
Betrayed Meaning in Bengali: বিশ্বাসঘাতক, বিশ্বাসঘাতী, বিশ্বাসঘাতকতা, বিশ্বাসঘাতকত্ব (noun, pronunciation: bi-shwaas-gha-tok, bi-shwaas-gha-ti, bi-shwaas-gha-tok-ta, bi-shwaas-gha-tok-tv)

Definition of Betrayed

(verb, pronunciation: bi-treyd)

1. To deliver or expose to an enemy by treachery or disloyalty.

2. To be unfaithful in guarding, maintaining, or fulfilling.

3. To disappoint the hopes or expectations of; be disloyal to.

Synonyms of Betrayed

(noun, pronunciation: sin-o-nim)

1. Deceived – প্রতারিত (prô-ta-rit)

2. Double-crossed – দ্বিগুণ করা (dwi-gun ko-ra)

3. Backstabbed – পিঠ থেকে ছুরি মারা (pith the-ke churi ma-ra)

Antonyms of Betrayed

(noun, pronunciation: an-tuh-nim)

1. Loyal – নিষ্ঠাবান (ni-shthaban)

2. Faithful – বিশ্বাসপ্রসারণকারী (bi-shwaas-pro-sha-ron-ka-ri)

3. Trustworthy – বিশ্বাসযোগ্য (bi-shwaas-yo-gyo)

Origin of Betrayed

The word “betrayed” originated from the Middle English word “betraien,” which means to deceive or deliver to an enemy. It can be traced back to the Old English word “be-” meaning “thoroughly” and “trayen” meaning “to deceive.”

Nearby Words

(noun, adjective, verb)

1. Betrayal – বিশ্বাসঘাত (bi-shwaas-gha-t)

2. Betrayer – বিশ্বাসঘাতী (bi-shwaas-gha-ti)

3. Betraying – বিশ্বাসঘাতক (bi-shwaas-gha-tok)

Betrayed in Literature Quotes

“Et tu, Brute?” – William Shakespeare (তুমিও, ব্রুটে?)

“It is easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend.” – William Blake (শত্রুকে ক্ষমা করা বন্ধুকের চেয়ে সহজ)

Betrayed Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: বিশ্বাসঘাতক

Hindi: धोखेबाज़

Nepali: विश्वासघाती

Urdu: دغا باز

Tamil: மோசப்பட்டு

Telugu: అనుమానంగా

Arabic: خان

Chinese: 背叛

Japanese: 裏切られた

Russian: преданный
