
Betraying Meaning in Bengali: বিশ্বাসঘাতী (noun, verb, adjective; bishwāsghātī)

Definition and Part of Speech

Betraying (verb): the act of being disloyal or unfaithful to someone’s trust or confidence. It can also refer to revealing or disclosing something that was meant to be kept secret.

Synonyms of Betraying

  • Deceiving (প্রতারণা; noun, verb; pratāraṇā)
  • Double-crossing (দ্বিগুণ পার করা; noun, verb; dviguṇa pāra kara)
  • Backstabbing (পিঠ থেকে ছুরি মারা; noun, verb; pith theke churi mara)
  • Treachery (বিশ্বাসঘাত; noun; bishwāsghāt)
  • Perfidy (বিশ্বাসঘাত; noun; bishwāsghāt)

Antonyms of Betraying

  • Loyal (নিষ্ঠাবান; adjective; niṣṭhābān)
  • Faithful (নিষ্ঠাবান; adjective; niṣṭhābān)
  • Trustworthy (বিশ্বাসযোগ্য; adjective; bishwās-yogyo)
  • Honest (সত্যবাদী; adjective; satyabādī)
  • Reliable (বিশ্বাসযোগ্য; adjective; bishwās-yogyo)

Origin of Betraying

The word “betraying” originated from the Middle English word “bitrayen,” which came from the Old French word “betrahir.” It ultimately traces back to the Latin word “tradere,” meaning “to hand over” or “to deliver.”

Nearby Words

  • Betray (verb)
  • Betrayal (noun)
  • Betrayer (noun)
  • Betrayment (noun)
  • Betrays (verb)

Betraying in Literature Quotes

“A friend can betray you, but an enemy will always stay the same.” – William Shakespeare (একজন বন্ধু তোমাকে বিশ্বাসঘাত করতে পারে, কিন্তু একজন শত্রু সর্বদা একই থাকবেন।)

“To betray, you must first belong.” – Kim Philby (বিশ্বাসঘাত করতে হলে প্রথমে তোমাকে সম্পর্কিত হতে হবে।)

Betraying Meaning in Different Languages

  • Bengali: বিশ্বাসঘাতী
  • Hindi: विश्वासघाती
  • Nepali: विश्वासघाती
  • Urdu: بے وفا
  • Tamil: மோசமான
  • Telugu: విశ్వాసాఘాతం
  • Arabic: خيانة
  • Chinese: 背叛
  • Japanese: 裏切り
  • Russian: предательство

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