
Betterment Meaning in Bengali: উন্নতি, উন্নত হওয়া, উন্নত করা (noun, verb, pronunciation: /ˈbɛtərmənt/)

Definition of Betterment

Betterment refers to the act or process of improving something or making it better. It can also mean the improvement or enhancement of a person’s circumstances or well-being.

Synonyms of Betterment

Some synonyms of betterment include advancement, progress, development, enhancement, and amelioration.

Antonyms of Betterment

Antonyms of betterment include deterioration (অবনতি), decline (পতন), regression (প্রত্যাবর্তন), and setback (প্রতিবাধ).

Origin of Betterment

The word “betterment” originated from the Middle English word “bet(t)erement,” which is derived from the Old English word “bet(e)rian” meaning “to make better.”

Nearby Words

  • Benefit (noun)
  • Improvement (noun)
  • Progress (noun)
  • Enhance (verb)
  • Upgrade (verb)

Betterment in Literature Quotes

“The only way to do great work is to love what you do.” – Steve Jobs (মহান কাজ করার একমাত্র উপায় হলো তোমার কাজটি ভালোবাসা।)

“Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success.” – Albert Schweitzer (সাফল্য খুশির চাবি নয়। খুশি সাফল্যের চাবি।)

Betterment Meaning in Different Languages

  • Bengali: উন্নতি
  • Hindi: सुधार
  • Nepali: सुधार
  • Urdu: بہتری
  • Tamil: மேம்பாடு
  • Telugu: మెరుగుపరచడం
  • Arabic: تحسين
  • Chinese: 改善
  • Japanese: 改善
  • Russian: улучшение

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