
Bevy শব্দটি বাংলায় একাধিক অর্থ ধারণ করে। এই শব্দটি বাংলায় অনেক অর্থে ব্যবহৃত হয়, যেমনঃ দল, দলবদ্ধ মহিলা সমূহ, সম্প্রদায়, সম্প্রদায়ের সদস্যদের সমূহ। (বিশেষ্য, উচ্চারণ: /ˈbɛvi/)

Definition of Bevy

Bevy is a noun that refers to a large group or collection of people or things. It is often used to describe a group of women or a group of animals. (Part of speech: noun, Pronunciation: /ˈbɛvi/)

Synonyms of Bevy

Some synonyms of bevy include group, flock, herd, pack, cluster, and gathering. (Bengali meaning of each synonym: গোষ্ঠী, ঝাঁপ, পশুঝাঁপ, প্যাক, গুচ্ছ, সংগঠন।)

Antonyms of Bevy

Some antonyms of bevy include individual, single, and solitary. (Bengali meaning of each antonym: ব্যক্তি, একক, একাকী।)

Origin of Bevy

The word bevy originated from the Old French word “bevee,” meaning a drink, and later evolved to refer to a group of birds or other animals. It entered the English language in the 15th century.

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to bevy include beverage (noun), bevel (noun), bewail (verb), bewilder (verb), and beyond (preposition). (Part of speech beside each word: noun, noun, verb, verb, preposition)

Bevy in Literature Quotes

Here are some quotes from literature that include the word bevy:

“A bevy of fair women, richly clad, came forth to meet them.” – William Shakespeare (Bengali meaning: “এক দল সুন্দরী মহিলা, ধনী পোষকযুক্ত, তাদের সামনে আসল।”)

“A bevy of golden-haired lads, the tallest almost a man, were led by the hand by a fair woman.” – Louisa May Alcott (Bengali meaning: “এক দল সোনালি চুলের ছেলেরা, যাদের মাঝে সবচেয়ে বড় একজন প্রায় পুরুষ, এক সুন্দরী মহিলা দ্বারা হাতে হাত ধরে নিয়ে গেল।”)

Bevy Meaning in Different Languages

The word bevy has different meanings in various languages:

  • Bengali: দল (dol)
  • Hindi: समूह (samuh)
  • Nepali: समूह (samuh)
  • Urdu: گروہ (guruh)
  • Tamil: குழந்தைகள் கூட்டம் (kulanthai kootam)
  • Telugu: గుంపు (gumpu)
  • Arabic: مجموعة (majmu’a)
  • Chinese: 一群 (yī qún)
  • Japanese: 一団 (ichidan)
  • Russian: стая (staya)

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