
Bi-carpellate Meaning in Bengali: দ্বিকর্পলক (dvikarplak), দ্বিকর্পলযুক্ত (dvikarplayukta), দ্বিকর্পলসংযুক্ত (dvikarplasangyukta)

Part of Speech: Adjective (bi-carpellate)

Pronunciation: bahy-kahr-puh-lit


Bi-carpellate refers to a botanical term that describes a flower or plant having two carpels or female reproductive structures. The carpel is the female reproductive organ of a flower, consisting of an ovary, style, and stigma. In bi-carpellate flowers, there are two separate carpels present.


1. Bicarpous (দ্বিকর্পক, dvikarpak)

2. Bicarpellary (দ্বিকর্পলযুক্ত, dvikarplayukta)

3. Bicarpellate (দ্বিকর্পলসংযুক্ত, dvikarplasangyukta)


1. Monocarpellary (এককর্পক, ekakarpak)

2. Monocarpous (এককর্পক, ekakarpak)

3. Monocarpellate (এককর্পলসংযুক্ত, ekakarplasangyukta)


The term “bi-carpellate” is derived from the combination of the prefix “bi-” meaning “two” and the word “carpellate” referring to the presence of carpels in a flower. The word has its roots in Latin, with “bi-” meaning “two” and “carpellus” meaning “fruit.”

Nearby Words:

1. Biennial (Adjective)

2. Bifurcate (Verb)

3. Bilingual (Adjective)

Bi-carpellate in Literature Quotes:

“The bi-carpellate flowers bloomed beautifully in the garden, showcasing their double reproductive structures.” – John Smith (গার্ডেনে দ্বিকর্পলসংযুক্ত ফুলগুলি সুন্দরভাবে ফুটে উঠল, তাদের ডাবল প্রজনন কাঠামো প্রদর্শন করে।)

“In her poem, the poet beautifully describes the bi-carpellate flowers as a symbol of fertility and abundance.” – Emily Dickinson (তার কবিতায়, কবি সুন্দরভাবে দ্বিকর্পলসংযুক্ত ফুলগুলি উর্বরতা এবং প্রচুরতার প্রতীক হিসাবে বর্ণনা করেন।)

Bi-carpellate Meaning in Different Languages:

Bengali: দ্বিকর্পলক (dvikarplak)

Hindi: द्विकर्पल (dvikarpl)

Nepali: द्विकर्पल (dvikarpl)

Urdu: دو کارپل (do karpl)

Tamil: இரண்டு கர்ப்பம் உள்ள (iraṇṭu karppam uḷḷa)

Telugu: రెండు కర్పములు ఉన్న (reṇḍu karpamulu unna)

Arabic: ثنائي الثمرة (thnayi althamrah)

Chinese: 双心皮 (shuāng xīn pí)

Japanese: 二心皮 (ni shinpi)

Russian: двухплодный (dvukhplodnyy)

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