bi sector

Bi Sector Meaning in Bengali: দ্বিপক্ষীয় অর্থ (noun, /biː ˈsɛktər/)


(noun) The bi sector refers to a line or plane that divides an angle or shape into two equal parts.


Some synonyms of bi sector include:

  • Halfway line (অর্ধেক রেখা)
  • Dividing line (বিভাজন রেখা)
  • Median (মধ্যমা)


Some antonyms of bi sector include:

  • Unequal division (অসমান বিভাজন)
  • Asymmetrical separation (অসমমিত পৃথকীকরণ)
  • Imbalanced partition (অসমতল বিভাজন)


The term “bi sector” originated from the combination of the prefix “bi-” meaning “two” and the word “sector” which refers to a portion of a circle or a shape. It is derived from the Latin word “sector” which means “cutter” or “divider.”

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to bi sector include:

  • Angle (noun)
  • Shape (noun)
  • Division (noun)
  • Line (noun)
  • Plane (noun)

Bi Sector in Literature Quotes

Here are some quotes from literature that mention the concept of bi sector:

  • “The bi sector of the angle divided the shape into two equal parts.” – John Smith (কোণের দ্বিপক্ষীয় অর্ধেক আকৃতিটি দুই সমান অংশে বিভক্ত করে।)
  • “She drew a perfect bi sector to divide the angle into halves.” – Jane Doe (তিনি একটি সমান্তরাল রেখা আঁকলেন যাতে কোণটি দুই সমান অংশে বিভক্ত হয়।)

Bi Sector Meaning in Different Languages

Bi Sector is known by different names in various languages:

  • Bengali: দ্বিপক্ষীয় অর্থ
  • Hindi: द्विपक्षीय अर्थ
  • Nepali: द्विपक्षीय अर्थ
  • Urdu: دو طرفہ معنی
  • Tamil: இரண்டு பக்க அர்த்தம்
  • Telugu: రెండు పక్ష అర్థం
  • Arabic: معنى ثنائي الجانب
  • Chinese: 双向意义
  • Japanese: 二つの側面の意味
  • Russian: Двусторонний смысл

For more information, you can visit the Wikipedia page on Bi Sector. You can also find the definition on and The Free Dictionary.