bi weekly

Bi Weekly Meaning in Bengali: দ্বিসপ্তাহিক, প্রতিসপ্তাহে দুবার, প্রতিসপ্তাহে দুইবার (noun, pronunciation: /baɪ ˈwiːkli/)


Bi weekly refers to something that occurs or is done every two weeks or twice a week. It is a compound word formed by combining the prefix “bi-” meaning “two” and the word “weekly” meaning “occurring once a week.”


Some synonyms for bi weekly include:

  • Fortnightly (দ্বিসপ্তাহিক)
  • Every other week (প্রতিসপ্তাহে অন্য একটি)
  • Twice a week (সপ্তাহে দুইবার)


Antonyms of bi weekly include:

  • Weekly (সাপ্তাহিক)
  • Monthly (মাসিক)
  • Yearly (বার্ষিক)


The term bi weekly originated from the combination of the prefix “bi-” meaning “two” and the word “weekly” meaning “occurring once a week.” It has been in use since the early 20th century.

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to bi weekly include:

  • Biannual (adjective)
  • Bicentennial (adjective)
  • Bidirectional (adjective)
  • Bifurcate (verb)

Bi Weekly in Literature Quotes

Here are some quotes from literature that mention bi weekly:

“She eagerly awaited her bi weekly visits to the library, where she could immerse herself in the world of books.” – Jane Austen (সে আগ্রহে অপেক্ষা করছিল তার দ্বিসপ্তাহিক গ্রন্থাগার দর্শনের, যেখানে তিনি বইয়ের বিশ্বে নিমগ্ন হতে পারেন।)

“The bi weekly meetings of the book club were always filled with lively discussions and passionate debates.” – Ernest Hemingway (বই ক্লাবের দ্বিসপ্তাহিক সভাগুলি সর্বদা জীবন্ত আলোচনা এবং উদ্যোগী বিতর্কের সঙ্গে পূর্ণ হয়েছিল।)

Bi Weekly Meaning in Different Languages

The meaning of bi weekly in different languages:

  • Bengali: দ্বিসপ্তাহিক
  • Hindi: द्विसाप्ताहिक
  • Nepali: द्विसाप्ताहिक
  • Urdu: دو ہفتہ وار
  • Tamil: இரண்டு வாரம் ஒருமுறை
  • Telugu: రెండు వారాలకు ఒకసారి
  • Arabic: أسبوعين
  • Chinese: 两周一次
  • Japanese: 二週間ごと
  • Russian: дважды в неделю

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