
Bidding Meaning in Bengali: বিদায়, বিক্রয়, বলাবদ্ধতা, আদেশ, আবেদন, আহ্বান (noun, pronunciation: bi-dāy, bi-kri-yay, bo-lāb-dhā-tā, ā-dēsh, ā-bēd-ōn, ā-hvān)

Definition of Bidding

(noun) Bidding refers to the act of making an offer or proposal, especially in an auction or competitive situation. It can also mean giving orders or commands.

Synonyms of Bidding

(noun) Command, order, invitation, request, proposal.

Antonyms of Bidding

(noun) Refusal (অস্বীকার), rejection (প্রত্যাখ্যান), denial (অস্বীকার), dissent (অসম্মতি), opposition (বিরোধ), disagreement (অসম্মতি).

Origin of Bidding

The word “bidding” originated from the Old English word “biddan,” which means “to ask, demand, or pray.” It has evolved over time to encompass the meaning of making offers or giving orders.

Nearby Words

(noun) Bidder, bidet, biddy, bide, bider.

Bidding in Literature Quotes

“The highest bidder gets the prize.” – Oscar Wilde (সর্বোচ্চ বিদায়কে পুরস্কার পায়।)

“Bidding farewell to someone you love is never easy.” – J.K. Rowling (যার সাথে তোমার ভালোবাসা আছে, তাকে বিদায় জানানো কখনই সহজ নয়।)

Bidding Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: বিদায়, Hindi: बोली, Nepali: बोली, Urdu: بولی, Tamil: விலையை, Telugu: బిడ్డింగ్, Arabic: المزايدة, Chinese: 出价, Japanese: 入札, Russian: торги.

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