
Billionaires Meaning in Bengali: বিলিয়নযোগ্য (noun, pronunciation: bilionyogyo)

Definition of Billionaires

Billionaires refer to individuals who possess a net worth of at least one billion units of currency, such as dollars, euros, or pounds. They are considered to be the wealthiest people in the world, with their fortunes often derived from various sources, including business ventures, investments, or inheritances.

Synonyms of Billionaires

1. Tycoons (noun, pronunciation: taikun) – বড় ধনী, বড় ব্যবসায়ী

2. Magnates (noun, pronunciation: magnets) – ধনী, বড় ব্যক্তি

3. Moguls (noun, pronunciation: moguls) – ধনী, বড় ব্যক্তি

Antonyms of Billionaires

1. Paupers (noun, pronunciation: paupers) – দরিদ্র

2. Destitutes (noun, pronunciation: destitutes) – দরিদ্র

3. Impoverished (adjective, pronunciation: impoverished) – দরিদ্র

Origin of Billionaires

The term “billionaires” originated in the early 20th century, combining the word “billion,” which denotes a number equal to one thousand million, and the suffix “-aires,” which indicates a person associated with or characterized by a particular quality or condition. The concept of billionaires gained prominence as wealth accumulation increased during the industrial revolution and the rise of capitalism.

Nearby Words

1. Millionaires (noun, pronunciation: millionaires) – মিলিয়নের ধনী

2. Trillionaires (noun, pronunciation: trillionaires) – ট্রিলিয়নের ধনী

3. Multimillionaires (noun, pronunciation: multimillionaires) – বহুমিলিয়নের ধনী

Billionaires in Literature Quotes

1. “The billionaires I know, almost without exception, use their wealth to try to create a better world.” – Warren Buffett (Bengali meaning: “আমি জানি বিলিয়নযোগ্যদের অধিকাংশ, অপরিবর্তিত অবস্থায় তাদের ধন ব্যবহার করে একটি ভালো বিশ্ব সৃষ্টির চেষ্টা করতে।” – ওয়ারেন বাফেট)

2. “Billionaires are the leading cause of climate change.” – Bernie Sanders (Bengali meaning: “বিলিয়নযোগ্যরা জলবায়ু পরিবর্তনের প্রধান কারণ।” – বার্নি স্যান্ডার্স)

Billionaires Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: বিলিয়নযোগ্য, Hindi: अरबपति, Nepali: अरबपति, Urdu: ارب پتی, Tamil: பில்லியனேர்கள், Telugu: బిలియన్స్, Arabic: مليارديرات, Chinese: 亿万富翁, Japanese: 億万長者, Russian: миллиардеры

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