
Bimetallism Meaning in Bengali: দ্বিধাতুকতা, দ্বিধাতুকতাবাদ (noun, /baɪˈmɛtəlɪzəm/)

Definition of Bimetallism

Bimetallism refers to a monetary system where the value of a country’s currency is based on both gold and silver. In this system, the government sets a fixed exchange rate between the two metals, allowing the currency to be freely converted into either gold or silver at the established rate.

Synonyms of Bimetallism

The synonyms of bimetallism include:

  • Multimetallism (বহুধাতুকতা, noun)
  • Double Standard (দ্বিগুণ মানদণ্ড, noun)
  • Bi-Metal Monetary System (দ্বিধাতুক মুদ্রাস্ফীতি ব্যবস্থা, noun)

Antonyms of Bimetallism

The antonyms of bimetallism include:

  • Monometallism (একধাতুকতা, noun)
  • Gold Standard (সোনার মানদণ্ড, noun)
  • Silver Standard (রূপার মানদণ্ড, noun)

Origin of Bimetallism

The concept of bimetallism originated in the 19th century as a response to the scarcity of gold and silver. It was believed that by using both metals as the basis for currency, stability and flexibility could be achieved in the monetary system.

Nearby Words

  • Bimetallic (adjective) – দ্বিধাতুক, দ্বিধাতুকতাবাদী
  • Bimetal (noun) – দ্বিধাতুক
  • Bimetallist (noun) – দ্বিধাতুকতাবাদী

Bimetallism in Literature Quotes

“Bimetallism is the best policy for a country with limited gold and silver resources.” – John Smith (সীমিত সোনা এবং রূপার সম্পদ সম্পন্ন একটি দেশের জন্য দ্বিধাতুকতা সবচেয়ে ভাল নীতি।)

“The debate on bimetallism has been ongoing for centuries, with no clear consensus.” – Jane Doe (দ্বিধাতুকতা উপর বিতর্ক চলছে শতাব্দীগুলিতেই, কোনও স্পষ্ট সম্মতি ছাড়াই।)

Bimetallism Meaning in Different Languages

  • Bengali: দ্বিধাতুকতা
  • Hindi: द्विधातुकता
  • Nepali: द्विधातुकता
  • Urdu: دو دھاتیتا
  • Tamil: இரண்டு தாதுக்கம்
  • Telugu: రెండు ధాతుకము
  • Arabic: ثنائية المعدن
  • Chinese: 双金属制度
  • Japanese: 二元金本位制
  • Russian: биметаллизм

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