Binocular Meaning in Bengali: দুরবীনদর্শী, দুরবীনদর্শী যন্ত্র, দুরবীনদর্শী কার্যকরী যন্ত্র (noun, pronounced: bi-nok-yuh-ler)
Definition of Binocular
Binocular refers to a device or instrument that is used for viewing distant objects with both eyes. It consists of two telescopes mounted side by side, allowing for a three-dimensional perception of the viewed object.
Synonyms of Binocular
1. Field glasses (ক্ষেত্রদর্শী, noun)
2. Opera glasses (অপেরা দর্শনকারী, noun)
3. Spyglass (গুপ্তদর্শী, noun)
Antonyms of Binocular
1. Monocular (একদর্শী, noun)
2. Telescope (দূরবীনদর্শী যন্ত্র, noun)
Origin of Binocular
The word “binocular” originated from the Latin word “binoculus,” which means “having two eyes.” It was first used in the early 18th century.
Nearby Words
1. Binoculars (noun)
2. Binocular vision (noun)
3. Binocular microscope (noun)
Binocular in Literature Quotes
1. “The binoculars showed me a world that wasn’t mine, but one I could explore from a distance.” – Harper Lee (দুরবীনদর্শী আমাকে একটি বিশ্ব দেখাল, যা আমার নয়, কিন্তু আমি একটি দূরবীনদর্শী হিসেবে অনুসন্ধান করতে পারি।)
Binocular Meaning in Different Languages
Bengali: দুরবীনদর্শী
Hindi: दूरबीन
Nepali: दूरबीन
Urdu: دوربین
Tamil: தூரப்பாட்டு
Telugu: దూరదర్శకం
Arabic: منظار
Chinese: 双筒望远镜
Japanese: 双眼鏡
Russian: бинокль
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