
Biographic Meaning in Bengali: জীবনীমূলক, জীবনীবিদ্যার সম্পর্কে (noun, /baɪəˈɡræfɪk/)

Definition and Part of Speech

Biographic is a noun that refers to the study or writing of someone’s life history. It is pronounced as /baɪəˈɡræfɪk/.

Synonyms of Biographic

Some synonyms of biographic include:

  • Biographical (জীবনীমূলক)
  • Life story (জীবন কাহিনী)
  • Life history (জীবন ইতিহাস)
  • Autobiographical (আত্মজীবনী)

Antonyms of Biographic

Some antonyms of biographic include:

  • Fictional (কল্পিত)
  • Imaginary (কল্পিত)
  • Unreal (অসত্য)

Origin of Biographic

The term biographic originated from the combination of the words “bio-” meaning life and “-graphy” meaning writing or study. It first appeared in the early 19th century.

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to biographic are:

  • Biography (noun)
  • Biographer (noun)
  • Biographical (adjective)
  • Biographically (adverb)

Biographic in Literature Quotes

Here are some quotes from literature that include the word biographic:

“A good biographic subject is like a good detective story.” – Elizabeth Bowen (একটি ভাল জীবনীর বিষয় একটি ভাল গোপন গল্পের মতো।)

“Biographic data, even those recorded in the public domain, are often incomplete.” – Daniel J. Boorstin (জীবনীমূলক উপাত্ত, সাধারণত সর্বজনীন অঞ্চলে নথিভুক্ত হয়, সাধারণত অসম্পূর্ণ।)

Biographic Meaning in Different Languages

Here is the meaning of biographic in different languages:

  • Bengali: জীবনীমূলক
  • Hindi: जीवनीय
  • Nepali: जीवनीय
  • Urdu: جیونی
  • Tamil: வாழ்க்கைக்
  • Telugu: జీవితచరిత్ర
  • Arabic: سيرة ذاتية
  • Chinese: 传记的
  • Japanese: 伝記的な
  • Russian: биографический

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