
Biographical Meaning in Bengali: জীবনীমূলক, জীবনীবিদ্যার সম্পর্কে (noun, pronunciation: /ˌbaɪəˈɡræfɪkəl/)


Biographical is an adjective that refers to something related to a person’s life or the details of their life. It is derived from the word “biography,” which is a written account of someone’s life.


Some synonyms of biographical include:

  • Autobiographical (আত্মজীবনীমূলক)
  • Life story (জীবন কাহিনী)
  • Personal history (ব্যক্তিগত ইতিহাস)
  • Memoiristic (মেমোয়ারের মতো)


Some antonyms of biographical include:

  • Fictional (কল্পিত)
  • Imaginary (কাল্পনিক)
  • Mythical (পৌরাণিক)
  • Unreal (অসত্য)


The word biographical originated from the Greek word “biographikos,” which means “of or pertaining to biography.” It entered the English language in the early 19th century.

Nearby Words

Some words related to biographical include:

  • Biography (noun)
  • Biographer (noun)
  • Biographically (adverb)
  • Biographize (verb)

Biographical in Literature Quotes

Here are some quotes from literature that use the word biographical:

  • “The best biographical work is always done in the field of literature.” – Samuel Johnson (সবচেয়ে ভাল জীবনীমূলক কাজ সাহিত্যের ক্ষেত্রে হয়।)
  • “A biographical novel is a life observed through the prism of a writer’s imagination.” – Isabel Allende (একটি জীবনীমূলক উপন্যাস হল একটি জীবন লেখকের কল্পনার প্রিজম দিয়ে দেখা।)

Biographical Meaning in Different Languages

Here is the meaning of biographical in different languages:

  • Bengali: জীবনীমূলক
  • Hindi: जीवनीय
  • Nepali: जीवनीय
  • Urdu: تذکرہ نگارانہ
  • Tamil: வாழ்க்கை வரலாற்றுப்
  • Telugu: జీవిత చరిత్రాత్మక
  • Arabic: سيرة ذاتية
  • Chinese: 传记的
  • Japanese: 伝記的な
  • Russian: биографический

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