
Biosphere Meaning in Bengali: জীবমণ্ডল, প্রাণীমণ্ডল, বায়োসফিয়ার (noun, pronunciation: /baɪəʊˈsfɪər/)

Definition of Biosphere

The biosphere refers to the regions of the Earth’s surface and atmosphere where living organisms exist. It includes all ecosystems and living organisms, including plants, animals, and microorganisms. The biosphere is the zone of life on Earth, where the interactions between living organisms and their environment take place.

Synonyms of Biosphere

1. Ecosphere (noun)
2. Biome (noun)
3. Living sphere (noun)

Antonyms of Biosphere

1. Abiotic (adjective) – অজীবীয় (meaning: non-living)
2. Inanimate (adjective) – অচেতন (meaning: lacking life)
3. Inorganic (adjective) – অজীব (meaning: not derived from living matter)

Origin of Biosphere

The term “biosphere” was coined by geologist Eduard Suess in 1875. It is derived from the Greek words “bios” meaning “life” and “sphaira” meaning “sphere.” The concept of the biosphere gained prominence in the 20th century with the development of the field of ecology.

Nearby Words

1. Biodiversity (noun) – জৈববৈচিত্র্য
2. Biota (noun) – জীবজগত
3. Biomass (noun) – জৈবপদার্থের পরিমাণ
4. Biogeochemical (adjective) – জৈবভৌতিক-ভৌতত্ত্বিক
5. Biodegradable (adjective) – জৈবঘটিত
6. Biotic (adjective) – জীবীয়

Biosphere in Literature Quotes

1. “The earth is what we all have in common.” – Wendell Berry (পৃথিবীটি হলো যা আমাদের সবার মধ্যে আছে।)
2. “The ultimate test of man’s conscience may be his willingness to sacrifice something today for future generations whose words of thanks will not be heard.” – Gaylord Nelson (মানুষের সম্পর্কের চূড়ান্ত পরীক্ষা হলো তার সম্পর্কে আগামী প্রজন্মের জন্য আজ কিছু বিস্ময় করার প্রস্তুতি করার ইচ্ছা, যার ধন্যবাদের কথা শোনা হবে না।)

Biosphere Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: জীবমণ্ডল
Hindi: जैवमंडल
Nepali: जीवमण्डल
Urdu: حیاتیاتی عالم
Tamil: உயிரியல் உலகம்
Telugu: జీవమండలం
Arabic: الكرة الحية
Chinese: 生物圈
Japanese: 生物圏
Russian: биосфера

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