Bipartite Meaning in Bengali: দ্বিভাগী, দ্বিভাগীভাবে বিভক্ত (noun, adjective, verb)
Definition and Part of Speech
Bipartite (adjective, noun, verb) /baɪˈpɑːrtaɪt/ is a term used to describe something that is divided into two parts or characterized by two distinct parts. It can also refer to a graph in which the vertices can be divided into two disjoint sets such that every edge connects a vertex from one set to a vertex from the other set.
Synonyms of Bipartite
Some synonyms of bipartite are:
- Divided (বিভক্ত)
- Split (বিভক্ত)
- Dual (দ্বৈত)
- Twofold (দ্বিগুণ)
- Binary (দ্বিমাত্রিক)
Antonyms of Bipartite
Some antonyms of bipartite are:
- Unified (একত্রিত)
- Whole (সম্পূর্ণ)
- Single (একক)
- Undivided (অবিভক্ত)
- Monolithic (একসঙ্গী)
Origin of Bipartite
The word bipartite originated from the Latin word “bi-” meaning “two” and “partitus” meaning “divided.” It entered the English language in the early 17th century.
Nearby Words
Some nearby words related to bipartite are:
- Bipartisan (adjective)
- Bipartitely (adverb)
- Bipartition (noun)
- Bipartitely (adverb)
- Bipartitely (adverb)
Bipartite in Literature Quotes
Here are some quotes from literature that include the word bipartite:
“The world is a bipartite structure, and the two halves are at war.” – John Fowles (পৃথিবীটি একটি দ্বিভাগী গঠন, এবং দুটি অংশ যুদ্ধের মধ্যে আছে।)
“The bipartite nature of human existence is a constant struggle between good and evil.” – Leo Tolstoy (মানুষের বিদ্বস্ত অস্তিত্বের দ্বিভাগী প্রকৃতি হল ভাল এবং মন্দের মধ্যে একটি অবিরাম সংগ্রাম।)
Bipartite Meaning in Different Languages
The meaning of bipartite in different languages:
- Bengali: দ্বিভাগী
- Hindi: द्विभाज्य
- Nepali: द्विभाज्य
- Urdu: دو حصوں والا
- Tamil: இரு பகுதிக்குள் பிரித்துக்கொள்ளப்பட்ட
- Telugu: రెండు భాగాలతో విభజించబడిన
- Arabic: ثنائي الأجزاء
- Chinese: 双分的
- Japanese: 二分の一
- Russian: двухчастный
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