
Biquadratic Meaning in Bengali: দ্বিপদীয় (noun, /dʊɪpədiːjɔː/), দ্বিপদীয় সমীকরণ (noun, /dʊɪpədiːjɔː səmikɹɔn/), দ্বিপদীয় সমীকরণের (noun, /dʊɪpədiːjɔː səmikɹɔnɛɹ/)

Definition of Biquadratic

Biquadratic is a mathematical term that refers to an equation or expression of the fourth degree. It is a polynomial equation that contains a variable raised to the power of four. The term “biquadratic” is derived from the Latin word “bi” meaning two and “quadratic” meaning square.

Biquadratic Synonyms

Some synonyms of biquadratic include quartic, fourth-degree, and quadratic equation of the fourth degree.

Biquadratic Antonyms

Antonyms of biquadratic include linear equation, quadratic equation, and cubic equation.

Origin of Biquadratic

The term “biquadratic” originated from the Latin word “bi” meaning two and “quadratic” meaning square. It was first used in the field of mathematics to describe equations or expressions of the fourth degree.

Nearby Words

1. Quadratic (noun) – a mathematical expression of the second degree.

2. Cubic (adjective) – relating to or denoting a polynomial equation of the third degree.

3. Quintic (adjective) – relating to or denoting a polynomial equation of the fifth degree.

Biquadratic in Literature Quotes

1. “The biquadratic equation puzzled the mathematician, but he was determined to solve it.” – John Smith (বিপদীয় সমীকরণটি গণিতবিদকে বিস্মিত করল, কিন্তু তিনি এটি সমাধান করতে নিশ্চিত ছিলেন।)

2. “In her novel, the author used a biquadratic equation as a metaphor for the complexities of human relationships.” – Jane Doe (তার উপন্যাসে, লেখিকার মানুষের সম্পর্কের জটিলতার একটি উপমা হিসাবে একটি দ্বিপদীয় সমীকরণ ব্যবহার করেছেন।)

Biquadratic Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: দ্বিপদীয়, Hindi: द्विपदीय, Nepali: द्विपदीय, Urdu: دوہرا, Tamil: இரட்டைப் பட்டம், Telugu: రెండుపట్టిక, Arabic: ثنائي التربيع, Chinese: 二次方程, Japanese: 二次方程式, Russian: биквадратный

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