
Birches Meaning in Bengali: বাঁশ (noun), বাঁশের গাছ (noun), বাঁশের গাছের গাছ (noun), বাঁশের গাছের গাছের গাছ (noun)

Part of Speech & Pronunciation:

Birches is a noun pronounced as /ˈbɜːrtʃɪz/.


Birches refer to a type of deciduous tree belonging to the genus Betula. These trees are known for their slender trunks, papery bark, and drooping branches. They are commonly found in temperate regions and are often used for their wood.


Some synonyms for birches include:

  • Whips: ছড়ি (noun)
  • Rods: ছড়ি (noun)
  • Switches: ছড়ি (noun)
  • Canes: ছড়ি (noun)


Some antonyms for birches include:

  • Softness: নরমতা (noun)
  • Gentleness: মৃদুতা (noun)
  • Tenderness: নরমতা (noun)
  • Kindness: মৃদুতা (noun)


The word birches originated from the Old English word “bierce” which means “birch tree”.

Nearby Words:

Some nearby words related to birches include:

  • Birch: noun
  • Birched: verb
  • Birching: noun
  • Birchbark: noun

Birches in Literature Quotes:

Here are some quotes about birches from famous writers:

  • “I’d like to go by climbing a birch tree, And climb black branches up a snow-white trunk, Toward heaven, till the tree could bear no more, But dipped its top and set me down again.” – Robert Frost (আমি একটি বাঁশের গাছে চঢ়ে যেতে চাই, এবং সাদা ট্রাঙ্কের উপর কালো শাখাগুলি চঢ়ে যেতে চাই, স্বর্গের দিকে, যতক্ষণ না গাছটি আর আর তাড়াতাড়ি করতে পারে না, কিন্তু শীর্ষটি ডুবে নিচে নেমে আমাকে আবার নিমন্ত্রণ দেয়।)
  • “The birch is a tree of movement, lightness, and grace.” – Annie Dillard (বাঁশ একটি চলন্ত, হালকা এবং সুন্দরতা গাছ।)

Birches Meaning in Different Languages:

Here is the meaning of birches in different languages:

  • Bengali: বাঁশ
  • Hindi: बरगद
  • Nepali: भूर्ज
  • Urdu: برج
  • Tamil: பேரிச்சமரம்
  • Telugu: బర్చ్
  • Arabic: البتولا
  • Chinese: 桦树
  • Japanese:
  • Russian: березы

For more information about birches, you can visit the following websites: