bird song

Bird Song Meaning in Bengali: পাখির গানের অর্থ (noun, /bɜːrd sɔŋ/)


Bird song refers to the melodious vocalizations produced by birds. It is a form of communication used by birds to attract mates, establish territories, and communicate with other members of their species. Bird songs are often characterized by their unique patterns, rhythms, and melodies.


1. Chirping (noun, /ˈtʃɜːrpɪŋ/) – চিরচিরে (Bengali)

2. Warbling (noun, /ˈwɔːrb(ə)lɪŋ/) – গান করা (Bengali)

3. Trilling (noun, /ˈtrɪlɪŋ/) – গান করা (Bengali)

4. Singing (noun, /ˈsɪŋɪŋ/) – গান (Bengali)


1. Silence (noun, /ˈsaɪləns/) – শান্তি (Bengali)

2. Noise (noun, /nɔɪz/) – শব্দ (Bengali)

3. Cacophony (noun, /kəˈkɒf(ə)ni/) – অসুস্থতার শব্দ (Bengali)

4. Discord (noun, /ˈdɪskɔːd/) – অনৈক্য (Bengali)


The origin of bird song can be traced back to millions of years ago when birds first evolved. It is believed that bird songs evolved as a way for birds to communicate and establish their presence in their environment. Over time, different species of birds developed unique songs that became an integral part of their behavior and survival.

Nearby Words

1. Bird (noun, /bɜːrd/) – পাখি (Bengali)

2. Songbird (noun, /sɔŋbɜːrd/) – গানের পাখি (Bengali)

3. Melody (noun, /ˈmɛlədi/) – সুর (Bengali)

4. Chirp (verb, /tʃɜːrp/) – চিরচিরে করা (Bengali)

Bird Song in Literature Quotes

1. “The birds were singing their morning song, welcoming the dawn.” – William Wordsworth (Bengali: “পাখিরা তাদের সকালের গান গাইতেছিল, ভোরবেলা স্বাগত জানাতে।”)

2. “The sweet melodies of the bird song filled the air, creating a symphony of nature.” – John Keats (Bengali: “পাখির গানের মিষ্টি সুর বাতাসে ভরে দিল, প্রকৃতির একটি সিমফোনি সৃষ্টি করে।”)

Bird Song Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: পাখির গানের অর্থ

Hindi: पक्षी गीत का अर्थ

Nepali: पक्षी गीतको अर्थ

Urdu: پرندوں کے گانے کا مطلب

Tamil: பறவை பாடலின் பொருள்

Telugu: పక్షుల పాట అర్థం

Arabic: معنى أغنية الطيور

Chinese: 鸟鸣的意义

Japanese: 鳥の歌の意味

Russian: Значение песни птицы
