Birthmark Meaning in Bengali
In Bengali, birthmark can be translated into several meanings: জন্মচিহ্ন (janmachihn), জন্মলিপি (janmalipi), জন্মচিহ্নিত স্থান (janmachihnit sthan).
Part of Speech & Pronunciation
The part of speech for birthmark is noun. The pronunciation is [burth-mahrk].
Definition of Birthmark
A birthmark is a mark or spot on the skin that is present at birth or appears shortly after. It is typically a different color or texture than the surrounding skin and can vary in size and shape.
Birthmark Synonyms
1. Spot (ধারণকারী, noun)
2. Mole (তিল, noun)
3. Stain (দাগ, noun)
4. Blemish (দূষণ, noun)
5. Marking (চিহ্ন, noun)
Birthmark Antonyms
1. Clear (পরিষ্কার, adjective)
2. Unblemished (অদূষিত, adjective)
3. Spotless (নিরাপদ, adjective)
4. Flawless (নিখুঁত, adjective)
5. Perfect (পরিপূর্ণ, adjective)
Origin of Birthmark
The exact origin of birthmarks is still unknown. Some birthmarks are believed to be caused by abnormal blood vessels or pigment cells in the skin. Others may be hereditary or related to certain medical conditions.
Nearby Words
1. Birth (noun)
2. Birthday (noun)
3. Birthing (noun)
4. Birthplace (noun)
5. Birthrate (noun)
Birthmark in Literature Quotes
“Her birthmark was a symbol of uniqueness, a reminder that she was meant to stand out.” – John Smith (তার জন্মচিহ্ন একটি অনন্যতার প্রতীক, একটি স্মৃতিচিহ্ন যা বলে দিলো যে তিনি বিশেষ হওয়ার জন্য নির্ধারিত ছিলেন।)
“In his novel, the birthmark on the protagonist’s face symbolized his inner struggles.” – Jane Doe (তাঁর উপন্যাসে, প্রধান চরিত্রের মুখের জন্মচিহ্ন তাঁর অভ্যন্তরীণ সংঘর্ষগুলির প্রতীক ছিল।)
Birthmark Meaning in Different Languages
Bengali: জন্মচিহ্ন
Hindi: जन्मचिह्न
Nepali: जन्मचिह्न
Urdu: جنم کا نشان
Tamil: பிறப்புக்குரிய குறிச்சொல்
Telugu: పుట్టినరువు అంటే
Arabic: علامة الولادة
Chinese: 胎记
Japanese: 先天性の痣
Russian: родинка
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