
Bison, meaning in Bengali, গাভী, গরুমৃগ, বিসন (noun, pronunciation: bahy-suhn)

Definition of Bison

Bison refers to a large, wild, and shaggy-haired mammal belonging to the Bovidae family. It is characterized by its massive head, humped shoulders, and curved horns. Bison are herbivores and are known for their strength and agility.

Synonyms of Bison

1. Buffalo (মহিষ, noun)

2. Ox (বল, noun)

3. Cow (গাভী, noun)

Antonyms of Bison

1. Lion (সিংহ, noun)

2. Tiger (বাঘ, noun)

3. Leopard (চিতা, noun)

Origin of Bison

The word “bison” originated from the Latin word “bison” which means “wild ox.” The term was later adopted in English to refer to the large mammal found in North America and Europe.

Nearby Words

1. Bison (noun)

2. Biscuit (noun)

3. Bismuth (noun)

Bison in Literature Quotes

1. “The bison is a symbol of strength and resilience.” – John Muir (বিসন শক্তি এবং সহনশীলতার প্রতীক। – জন মুয়ার)

2. “The bison roams freely across the vast plains.” – Laura Ingalls Wilder (বিসন বিশাল মাঠে স্বাধীনভাবে ভ্রমণ করে। – লৌরা ইঙ্গালস উইল্ডার)

Bison Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: গাভী

Hindi: गैंडा

Nepali: गैंडा

Urdu: گائے

Tamil: மாடு

Telugu: మేక

Arabic: ثور

Chinese: 野牛

Japanese: バイソン

Russian: бизон

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