
Biweekly Meaning in Bengali: দ্বিসাপ্তাহিক, প্রতিসাপ্তাহিক (noun, adjective, adverb)

Definition and Part of Speech

Biweekly (adjective, adverb) – occurring or appearing every two weeks or twice a week.

Synonyms of Biweekly

1. Fortnightly (দ্বিসাপ্তাহিক) – adjective, adverb

2. Semiweekly (দ্বিসাপ্তাহিক) – adjective, adverb

3. Every other week (দ্বিসাপ্তাহিক) – adjective, adverb

Antonyms of Biweekly

1. Weekly (সাপ্তাহিক) – adjective, adverb

2. Daily (দৈনিক) – adjective, adverb

3. Monthly (মাসিক) – adjective, adverb

Origin of Biweekly

The word “biweekly” originated from the combination of the prefix “bi-” meaning “two” and the word “weekly” meaning “occurring every week.” It was first recorded in the early 19th century.

Nearby Words

1. Bimonthly (adjective, adverb) – occurring or appearing every two months.

2. Bipartisan (adjective) – involving the cooperation of two political parties.

3. Bilingual (adjective) – able to speak two languages fluently.

Biweekly in Literature Quotes

1. “The biweekly meetings with my book club are the highlight of my month.” – Jane Austen (আমার বই ক্লাবের দ্বিসাপ্তাহিক সভাগুলি আমার মাসের উজ্জ্বল অংশ।)

2. “The biweekly newspaper provides the community with up-to-date information.” – Mark Twain (দ্বিসাপ্তাহিক সংবাদপত্রটি সম্প্রদায়কে আধুনিক তথ্য সরবরাহ করে।)

Biweekly Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: দ্বিসাপ্তাহিক

Hindi: द्विसाप्ताहिक

Nepali: द्विसाप्ताहिक

Urdu: دو ہفتہ وار

Tamil: இரண்டு வாரங்களில் ஒருமுறை

Telugu: రెండు వారాలలో ఒకసారి

Arabic: نصف أسبوعي

Chinese: 雙週刊

Japanese: 二週間ごと

Russian: двухнедельный

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