
Blackguard Meaning in Bengali: অশিষ্ট, অপমানজনক, অপমানকারী, অপমানকারী ব্যক্তি (noun, pronunciation: blak-gahrd)

Definition of Blackguard

Blackguard is a noun that refers to a person who behaves in a dishonorable or contemptible manner. It can also be used as a verb to describe the act of insulting or verbally abusing someone.

Synonyms of Blackguard

Some synonyms of blackguard include scoundrel, rascal, rogue, villain, knave, and cad. (দুর্জন, দুর্জন, দুর্জন, দুর্জন, দুর্জন, দুর্জন)

Antonyms of Blackguard

Antonyms of blackguard include gentleman, nobleman, and dignified person. (সজ্জন, মহানুভব, মর্যাদাপূর্ণ ব্যক্তি)

Origin of Blackguard

The word blackguard originated in the late 16th century from the combination of “black” (indicating disgrace or dishonor) and “guard” (referring to a person). It was initially used to describe a low-ranking servant or a scoundrel.

Nearby Words

  • Blacken (verb)
  • Blacklist (noun)
  • Blackmail (noun)
  • Blackout (noun)
  • Blacksmith (noun)

Blackguard in Literature Quotes

“He was a blackguard, but he had a certain charm.” – George Orwell (সে একজন অশিষ্ট ছিল, তবে তাঁর কিছু আকর্ষণ ছিল।)

“Every blackguard is not a villain, but every villain is a blackguard.” – William Makepeace Thackeray (প্রতিটি অশিষ্ট একটি দুর্জন নয়, তবে প্রতিটি দুর্জন একটি অশিষ্ট।)

Blackguard Meaning in Different Languages

  • Bengali: অশিষ্ট
  • Hindi: अशिष्ट
  • Nepali: अशिष्ट
  • Urdu: بلیکگارڈ
  • Tamil: கருப்புப் பாதுகாப்பாளர்
  • Telugu: బ్లాక్గార్డ్
  • Arabic: الوغد
  • Chinese: 流氓
  • Japanese: 悪党
  • Russian: балда, негодяй

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