Blackish Meaning in Bengali: কালোমণি (noun), কালোমণিকা (noun), কালোমণিতে মিশ্রিত (adjective), কালোমণিকার মতো (adjective), কালোমণিকার মতোই (adverb)
Definition and Part of Speech
Blackish (adjective, pronounced as blak-ish) refers to something that is somewhat black in color or has a tinge of black. It is derived from the word “black” and is used to describe objects, substances, or even emotions that have a dark or black-like appearance.
Synonyms of Blackish
Some synonyms of blackish include:
- Dark (অন্ধকারময়)
- Gloomy (অন্ধকারময়)
- Dusky (অন্ধকারময়)
- Somber (অন্ধকারময়)
- Shadowy (অন্ধকারময়)
Antonyms of Blackish
Some antonyms of blackish include:
- White (সাদা)
- Bright (উজ্জ্বল)
- Colorful (রঙিন)
- Clear (পরিষ্কার)
- Transparent (পারদর্শী)
Origin of Blackish
The word blackish originated from the combination of the word “black” and the suffix “-ish,” which is used to indicate a resemblance or similarity to something. It has been in use in the English language since the 16th century.
Nearby Words
Some nearby words related to blackish include:
- Black (noun)
- Blackbird (noun)
- Blacken (verb)
- Blackout (noun)
- Blacksmith (noun)
Blackish in Literature Quotes
Here are some quotes from literature that mention the word blackish:
“The night was blackish, and the air had a damp, earthy smell.” – Jane Austen (রাতটি কালোমণি ছিল এবং বাতাসে একটি ভিজা, মাটির মতো গন্ধ ছিল।)
“The blackish clouds loomed over the horizon, foretelling the impending storm.” – William Shakespeare (কালোমণি মেঘগুলি কোনোদিকে উঠে এসেছিল, আসমানে আসছে আসমানিক ঝড়ের পূর্বলক্ষণ দেখাচ্ছিল।)
Blackish Meaning in Different Languages
The meaning of blackish in different languages:
- Bengali: কালোমণি
- Hindi: कालेपन
- Nepali: कालो
- Urdu: سیاہی
- Tamil: கருப்புமணி
- Telugu: నలుపుమణి
- Arabic: أسود
- Chinese: 黑色的
- Japanese: 黒っぽい
- Russian: черноватый
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