
Blacklist Meaning in Bengali: কালোতালিকা, অভিশপ্ত তালিকা, অভিশপ্ত তালিকা, কালোতালিকা (noun, pronunciation: blak-list)

Definition of Blacklist

(noun, pronunciation: blak-list)

A blacklist is a list of people, organizations, or things that are considered undesirable or are to be avoided. It is a record of individuals or entities who have been banned, excluded, or condemned due to their actions, beliefs, or affiliations.

Synonyms of Blacklist

(noun, pronunciation: blak-list)

  • Boycott – বয়কট (noun)
  • Ban – নিষেধ (noun)
  • Exclusion – বিছানা (noun)
  • Deny – অস্বীকার করা (verb)
  • Proscription – নিষেধাজ্ঞা (noun)

Antonyms of Blacklist

(noun, pronunciation: blak-list)

  • Approval – অনুমোদন (noun)
  • Acceptance – স্বীকৃতি (noun)
  • Inclusion – অন্তর্ভুক্তি (noun)
  • Permission – অনুমতি (noun)
  • Endorsement – অনুমোদন (noun)

Origin of Blacklist

(noun, pronunciation: blak-list)

The term “blacklist” originated in the United States during the early 17th century. It was initially used to refer to a list of people who were considered to be disloyal or sympathetic to the British during the American Revolution. Over time, the term expanded to include any list of individuals or entities who were deemed undesirable or to be avoided.

Nearby Words

  • Blackmail – noun
  • Black market – noun
  • Black magic – noun
  • Black hole – noun
  • Blacksmith – noun

Blacklist in Literature Quotes

“The blacklist was a time of evil. No one on either side who survived it came out untouched by evil.” – Dalton Trumbo (কালোতালিকা একটি অপরাধ। এর মধ্যে যে কেউ যে কারও পাশে থাকলেও তার মনে অপরাধের স্পর্শ থাকেনি।)

“The blacklist isn’t a list. It’s a mindset.” – Frank Darabont (কালোতালিকা একটি তালিকা নয়। এটি একটি মনোভাব।)

Blacklist Meaning in Different Languages

  • Bengali: কালোতালিকা
  • Hindi: काला सूची
  • Nepali: कालो सूची
  • Urdu: کالے فہرست
  • Tamil: கருப்புப் பட்டியல்
  • Telugu: బ్లాక్ లిస్ట్
  • Arabic: قائمة سوداء
  • Chinese: 黑名单
  • Japanese: ブラックリスト
  • Russian: черный список

For more information, you can visit the Wikipedia page on Blacklist or refer to and