
Blanched Meaning in Bengali: সাদা করা, সাদা হওয়া, সাদা করে ফেলা (verb, pronunciation: blanched)

Definition of Blanched

Blanched is a verb that means to make something pale or white by removing its color. It can also refer to the process of scalding vegetables or fruits briefly in boiling water and then plunging them into cold water to preserve their color and texture.

Synonyms of Blanched

Some synonyms of blanched are whitened, faded, bleached, lightened, and paled.

Antonyms of Blanched

Some antonyms of blanched are colored (বর্ণিত), darkened (অন্ধকারকৃত), dyed (রঙিত), and stained (দাগিত).

Origin of Blanched

The word blanched originated from the Old French word blanchir, which means “to whiten.” It entered the English language in the 14th century.

Nearby Words

  • Blanching (verb)
  • Blancher (noun)
  • Blancmange (noun)
  • Blancmanger (noun)

Blanched in Literature Quotes

“Her face blanched with fear as she heard the footsteps approaching.” – Jane Austen (তার মুখ ভয়ে সাদা হয়ে গেল যখন সে পদক্ষেপ শব্দ শুনল।)

“The blanched flowers in the garden symbolized the passing of time.” – William Shakespeare (বাগানের সাদা ফুলগুলো সময়ের অতীত প্রতীকিত করল।)

Blanched Meaning in Different Languages

  • Bengali: সাদা করা
  • Hindi: सफेद करना
  • Nepali: सफेद गर्नु
  • Urdu: سفید کرنا
  • Tamil: வெள்ளையாக்குகிற
  • Telugu: బ్లాంచ్
  • Arabic: يبيض
  • Chinese: 漂白
  • Japanese: 白くする
  • Russian: обесцвечивать

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