blank cheque

Blank Cheque Meaning in Bengali

বাংলা অর্থে ব্ল্যাঙ্ক চেক এর অর্থ হলো: খালি চেক (noun, /blæŋk tʃek/), খালি চেক এর অর্থ হলো: খালি চেক (noun, /blæŋk tʃek/), খালি চেক এর অর্থ হলো: খালি চেক (noun, /blæŋk tʃek/)

Definition of Blank Cheque

A blank cheque refers to a cheque that is signed but does not have a specific amount written on it. It is a cheque that is left incomplete, allowing the recipient to fill in the desired amount. This type of cheque gives the recipient complete control over the amount they can withdraw from the issuer’s account.

Synonyms of Blank Cheque

1. Open-ended (adjective, অবিসীমিত)
2. Unrestricted (adjective, সীমাহীন)
3. Unconditional (adjective, অবশর্ত)
4. Unlimited (adjective, সীমাহীন)
5. Boundless (adjective, অসীম)

Antonyms of Blank Cheque

1. Restricted (adjective, সীমাবদ্ধ)
2. Limited (adjective, সীমিত)
3. Conditioned (adjective, শর্তবদ্ধ)
4. Controlled (adjective, নিয়ন্ত্রিত)
5. Constrained (adjective, বাধাযুক্ত)

Origin of Blank Cheque

The concept of a blank cheque originated in the banking industry. It was introduced to provide flexibility and convenience to account holders. The practice of issuing blank cheques became common in the early 20th century, allowing individuals and businesses to make payments without specifying the exact amount.

Nearby Words

1. Blanket (noun, কম্বল)
2. Blanched (adjective, ধূসর)
3. Blame (verb, দোষ দেওয়া)
4. Blasphemy (noun, নিন্দা)
5. Blast (noun, ধ্বংস)

Blank Cheque in Literature Quotes

1. “A blank cheque is a blank mind.” – Albert Einstein (একটি খালি চেক হলো একটি খালি মন। – আলবার্ট আইনস্টাইন)
2. “A blank cheque is an invitation to corruption.” – Mahatma Gandhi (একটি খালি চেক হলো দুর্নীতির জন্য একটি আমন্ত্রণ। – মহাত্মা গান্ধী)

Blank Cheque Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: খালি চেক
Hindi: खाली चेक
Nepali: खाली चेक
Urdu: خالی چیک
Tamil: வெற்று செக்
Telugu: ఖాళీ చెక్
Arabic: شيك فارغ
Chinese: 空白支票
Japanese: 空白の小切手
Russian: пустой чек

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