
Blanks Meaning in Bengali: খালি, শূন্য, অপূর্ণ, অপূর্ণতা (noun, pronunciation: blæŋks)

Definition of Blanks

Blanks refer to empty spaces or areas that are yet to be filled or completed. It can also indicate a lack of information or knowledge about a particular subject or topic.

Synonyms of Blanks

1. Empty (খালি, adjective)
2. Void (শূন্য, adjective)
3. Incomplete (অপূর্ণ, adjective)
4. Gap (খালি স্থান, noun)

Antonyms of Blanks

1. Filled (পূর্ণ, adjective)
2. Complete (সম্পূর্ণ, adjective)
3. Knowledgeable (জ্ঞানী, adjective)
4. Informed (জ্ঞাত, adjective)

Origin of Blanks

The word “blanks” originated from the Middle English word “blankes,” which means white or shining. It later evolved to refer to empty spaces or areas that lack content or information.

Nearby Words

1. Blanket (noun)
2. Blanking (noun)
3. Blankest (adjective)
4. Blankly (adverb)

Blanks in Literature Quotes

1. “The pages are still blank, but there is a miraculous feeling of the words being there, written in invisible ink and clamoring to become visible.” – Vladimir Nabokov (পৃষ্ঠাগুলি এখনো খালি, কিন্তু শব্দগুলির একটি অদ্ভুত অনুভূতি আছে, যেখানে অদৃশ্য কালমে লেখা হয়েছে এবং দৃশ্যমান হতে চাইছে।)
2. “The future is a blank page, and you can write your own story.” – Anonymous (ভবিষ্যত একটি খালি পৃষ্ঠা, এবং আপনি নিজের গল্প লিখতে পারেন।)

Blanks Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: খালি
Hindi: खाली
Nepali: खाली
Urdu: خالی
Tamil: வெற்று
Telugu: ఖాళీ
Arabic: فراغ
Chinese: 空白
Japanese: 空白
Russian: пустой

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