
Blares Meaning in Bengali: কানকে কাঁটা দেওয়া, কানে অসুখ তোলা, কান ধরে দাড়াতে উত্তেজনা করা (verb)

Definition and Origin of Blares:

Blares (verb, pronounced as /blɛəz/) refers to the act of causing discomfort or irritation to the ears, often by producing loud, harsh sounds. It can be associated with the piercing or grating nature of certain noises.

Synonyms of Blares:

  1. Screech (চিৎকার)
  2. Squeal (চিৎকার)
  3. Shriek (চিৎকার)
  4. Yell (চিৎকার)
  5. Howl (চিৎকার)

Antonyms of Blares:

  1. Whisper (ফুসফুসা)
  2. Murmur (শুস্কশুস্কি)
  3. Muffle (মাফ করা)
  4. Silence (শান্তি)
  5. Hush (শান্তি)

Blares in a Sentence:

The blares of car horns in the traffic jam were overwhelming.

Blares Meaning in Different Languages:

  • Hindi: चीखें
  • Nepali: चीखे
  • Urdu: چیخیں
  • Tamil: கூக்குத் தாக்குதல்
  • Telugu: కొడుకులు
  • Arabic: صياح
  • Chinese: 尖叫
  • Japanese: 甲高い声
  • Russian: визжание

For more information about “blares,” you can visit the following links:

  • Merriam-Webster
  • Cambridge Dictionary

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