
Blatant Meaning in Bengali: প্রকাশ্য, স্পষ্ট, অকপট, অপরাহ্ন, প্রকাশ্যপথে, প্রকাশ্যপথেই (noun, verb, adjective, adverb, preposition)

Definition of Blatant

(adjective, blay-tnt)

Blatant refers to something that is done openly and unashamedly, often in a way that is offensive or disrespectful. It is characterized by its obviousness and lack of subtlety.

Synonyms of Blatant

Some synonyms of blatant include flagrant, glaring, obvious, overt, and brazen.

Antonyms of Blatant

Some antonyms of blatant are subtle (সূক্ষ্ম), discreet (বিনীত), inconspicuous (অদৃশ্য), and unobtrusive (অপ্রকাশ্য).

Origin of Blatant

The word “blatant” originated from the Latin word “blatire,” which means “to babble” or “to talk foolishly.” It entered the English language in the late 16th century.

Nearby Words

  • Blatantly (adverb)
  • Blatancy (noun)
  • Blatantness (noun)

Blatant in Literature Quotes

“The blatant beast is at its worst when it pretends to be an angel.” – William Blake (প্রকাশ্য প্রাণীটি তার সবচেয়ে খারাপ হয় যখন সে একটি দেবতার প্রেতেন্ড করে।)

“Blatant propaganda is not a substitute for good policy.” – Jonathan Sacks (প্রকাশ্য প্রপ্যাগাণ্ডা ভাল নীতির প্রতিস্থান নয়।)

Blatant Meaning in Different Languages

  • Bengali: প্রকাশ্য
  • Hindi: खुलेआम
  • Nepali: खुलासा
  • Urdu: صریح
  • Tamil: தெளிவான
  • Telugu: స్పష్టంగా
  • Arabic: صارخ
  • Chinese: 明目張膽
  • Japanese: 露骨な
  • Russian: явный

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