
Blather Meaning in Bengali: বকবক করা, বকবক করে কথা বলা, বকবক করে কথা বলা (verb, pronunciation: blath-er)

Definition of Blather

Blather is a verb that means to talk rapidly and continuously in a foolish or nonsensical manner. It refers to the act of speaking without making much sense or using excessive words without conveying any meaningful information.

Synonyms of Blather

Some synonyms of blather include babble, prattle, chatter, jabber, ramble, and gibber. (Bengali: বকবক করা, বকবক করে কথা বলা)

Antonyms of Blather

Antonyms of blather include articulate, communicate, express, and enunciate. (Bengali: স্পষ্ট ভাবে কথা বলা, কথা বলা, অভিব্যক্ত করা, উচ্চারণ করা)

Origin of Blather

The word blather originated from the Middle English word “blatheren,” which means to talk foolishly or babble. It is believed to have derived from the Old Norse word “blathra,” which means to chatter or prattle.

Nearby Words

  • Blatant (adjective) – completely lacking in subtlety or concealment
  • Blaze (noun) – a very large or fiercely burning fire
  • Blazon (verb) – to display prominently or vividly
  • Blatherer (noun) – a person who talks in a foolish or nonsensical manner

Blather in Literature Quotes

“He had a talent for blather.” – J.D. Salinger (Bengali: “তিনি বকবক করার জন্য কৌশল রাখতেন।”)

“Blather, blather, blather. You make me sick.” – Stephen King (Bengali: “বকবক, বকবক, বকবক। তুমি আমাকে অসুস্থ করে দাও।”)

Blather Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: বকবক করা, Hindi: बकवास, Nepali: बकवास, Urdu: بکواس, Tamil: பேச்சுதல், Telugu: బకవాదం, Arabic: هراء, Chinese: 胡说八道, Japanese: たわごと, Russian: болтовня

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