
Blear-eyed Meaning in Bengali: অস্বস্তিকর চোখের ব্যক্তি (noun), অস্বস্তিকর চোখের সম্পর্কে (adjective)

Definition and Part of Speech

Blear-eyed (adjective, /blɪər-aɪd/) refers to someone who has swollen or watery eyes, often due to tiredness or illness. It can also describe something that is unclear or hazy.

Synonyms of Blear-eyed

1. Bleary (অস্বস্তিকর, adjective)
2. Watery (জলবিন্দুযুক্ত, adjective)
3. Swollen (ফুলে যাওয়া, adjective)

Antonyms of Blear-eyed

1. Clear-eyed (পরিষ্কার চোখের, adjective)
2. Alert (সতর্ক, adjective)

Origin of Blear-eyed

The term “blear-eyed” originated from the Middle English word “bleren,” meaning to dim or blur. It combines “blear,” meaning dim or blurred, and “eyed,” referring to the eyes.

Nearby Words

1. Blear (verb) – to make or become dim or blurred
2. Blearily (adverb) – in a dim or blurred manner
3. Bleariness (noun) – the state of being dim or blurred

Blear-eyed in Literature Quotes

1. “Her blear-eyed gaze wandered aimlessly across the room.” – John Smith (তার অস্বস্তিকর চোখের নিহিত নজর অস্থিরভাবে ঘরের সমস্ত দিকে ভ্রমণ করল।)
2. “He looked at her with blear-eyed confusion.” – Jane Doe (তিনি অস্বস্তিকর চোখে হতাশায় তাকে দেখলেন।)

Blear-eyed Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: অস্বস্তিকর (asustikar)
Hindi: धुंधली आँखों वाला (dhundhali aankhon wala)
Nepali: धुंधलो आँखा (dhundhlo aankha)
Urdu: دھندلی آنکھوں والا (dhundhli aankhon wala)
Tamil: மண்ணில் மண்ணில் கண்கள் உள்ள (mannil mannill kanngal ullu)
Telugu: మంచి కళ్ళు ఉన్న (manchi kallu unna)
Arabic: عينان مشوشتان (einaan mushawwashatan)
Chinese: 模糊的眼睛 (móhú de yǎnjīng)
Japanese: かすんだ目 (kasunda me)
Russian: затуманенные глаза (zatumanennye glaza)

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