
Blemishes Meaning in Bengali: দূষণ, দোষ, কলঙ্ক, ক্ষতি (noun, pronunciation: /ˈblɛmɪʃɪz/)

Definition of Blemishes

Blemishes refer to marks, flaws, or imperfections that mar the appearance or quality of something. They can be physical, such as spots, scars, or discoloration on the skin, or metaphorical, indicating faults or shortcomings in a person’s character or reputation.

Synonyms of Blemishes

1. Defects (দোষ, noun)
2. Flaws (দোষ, noun)
3. Imperfections (অপূর্ণতা, noun)
4. Stains (দাগ, noun)

Antonyms of Blemishes

1. Perfection (পরিপূর্ণতা, noun)
2. Purity (পবিত্রতা, noun)
3. Excellence (উত্কৃষ্টতা, noun)
4. Virtue (গুণ, noun)

Origin of Blemishes

The word “blemish” originated from the Middle English word “blesme,” which came from the Old French word “blesme” meaning “a mark or scar.” It can be traced back to the Latin word “blemus” meaning “a spot or stain.”

Nearby Words

1. Blame (noun)
2. Blasphemy (noun)
3. Blast (noun)
4. Blatant (adjective)

Blemishes in Literature Quotes

1. “The scars of others should teach us caution.” – St. Jerome (অন্যদের ক্ষতিগুলি আমাদেরকে সতর্ক করতে উদ্দীপনা দেয়।)
2. “Character is like a tree and reputation like a shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.” – Abraham Lincoln (চরিত্র একটি গাছের মতো এবং স্থানাঙ্ক একটি ছায়া। ছায়া হলো আমরা যা ভাবি; গাছটি হলো বাস্তব জিনিস।)

Blemishes Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: দূষণ, দোষ, কলঙ্ক, ক্ষতি
Hindi: कलंक, दोष, दग़
Nepali: दोष, कलंक, दग़
Urdu: داغ, کلنک, عیب
Tamil: தவறுகள், தப்புகள், கலங்கம்
Telugu: దోషాలు, దోషములు, కలంకాలు
Arabic: عيوب, عيب, نقص
Chinese: 瑕疵, 缺陷, 污点
Japanese: 欠点, 欠陥, 汚点
Russian: дефекты, недостатки, пятна

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