
Blench Meaning in Bengali: ভীত হত্তয়া, ভয় পাওয়া, ভয় করা, ভয় পেয়ে যাওয়া (verb, pronunciation: blench)

Definition of Blench

Blench is a verb that means to flinch or draw back in fear, surprise, or pain. It is an involuntary reaction to a sudden or unexpected stimulus.

Synonyms of Blench

Some synonyms of blench include recoil, shrink, start, wince, cringe, and quail.

Antonyms of Blench

The antonyms of blench are brave (সাহসী), confront (সম্মুখে হত্তয়া), face (মুখ মুখে হত্তয়া), and meet (সম্মুখে হত্তয়া).

Origin of Blench

The word blench originated from Middle English and Old English, and it is related to the Old Norse word blekkja, which means to deceive or cheat.

Nearby Words

  • Blend (noun)
  • Bleak (adjective)
  • Bleach (verb)
  • Blemish (noun)
  • Bless (verb)

Blench in Literature Quotes

“He did not blench, but looked at it steadily.” – Charles Dickens (তিনি ভীত হত্তয়া না, তবে সেটা স্থিরভাবে দেখলেন।)

“She did not blench, but faced the danger head-on.” – J.K. Rowling (তিনি ভীত হত্তয়া না, তবে বিপদটিকে মুখ মুখে সম্মুখে হত্তয়া করলেন।)

Blench Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: ভীত হত্তয়া, Hindi: डरना, Nepali: डर्नु, Urdu: ڈرنا, Tamil: பயம் படுத்து, Telugu: భయపడు, Arabic: خاف, Chinese: 畏缩, Japanese: ひるむ, Russian: содрогаться

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