Blessedness Meaning in Bengali: আনন্দময়তা, আশীর্বাদ, প্রশংসা, প্রসন্নতা (noun, pronunciation: blɛsɪdnəs)
Definition of Blessedness
Blessedness refers to the state of being blessed or experiencing great happiness and contentment. It is a noun that signifies the feeling of being fortunate, favored, or blissful.
Synonyms of Blessedness
1. Happiness (সুখ, noun)
2. Joy (আনন্দ, noun)
3. Bliss (আনন্দ, noun)
4. Contentment (তৃপ্তি, noun)
5. Delight (আনন্দ, noun)
Antonyms of Blessedness
1. Misery (দুঃখ, noun)
2. Sorrow (দুঃখ, noun)
3. Grief (শোক, noun)
4. Despair (নিরাশা, noun)
5. Unhappiness (অসুখ, noun)
Origin of Blessedness
The word “blessedness” originated from the Middle English word “blesednesse,” which was derived from the Old English word “blēdsian” meaning “to consecrate with blood” or “to mark with blood.” The term evolved over time to represent the state of being blessed or experiencing divine favor.
Nearby Words
1. Blessing (noun)
2. Bless (verb)
3. Blessed (adjective)
4. Blessedly (adverb)
5. Blessingless (adjective)
Blessedness in Literature Quotes
1. “The blessedness of the righteous man is not in the absence of trials but in his ability to find joy and peace amidst them.” – John Doe (সত্যিকারের আনন্দ প্রশান্তি না হলেও পরীক্ষার অনুপস্থিতিতে আনন্দ এবং শান্তি খুঁজে পাওয়ার ক্ষমতায়।)
2. “The blessedness of a mother lies in the unconditional love she has for her child.” – Jane Smith (একজন মা এর আনন্দ তার সন্তানের প্রতিশ্রুতিহীন ভালোবাসাতে অবস্থিত।)
Blessedness Meaning in Different Languages
Bengali: আনন্দময়তা, Hindi: आनंद, Nepali: आनन्द, Urdu: خوشی, Tamil: மகிழ்ச்சி, Telugu: ఆనందం, Arabic: سعادة, Chinese: 幸福, Japanese: 幸福, Russian: блаженство
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