blind alley

Blind Alley Meaning in Bengali: অন্ধকার গলি, অন্ধকার পথ, অন্ধকার সড়ক (noun, pronunciation: blahnd al-ee)

Definition of Blind Alley

A blind alley refers to a narrow street or passage that has no outlet or exit. It is a dead-end or cul-de-sac that leads to nowhere. Metaphorically, it is used to describe a situation or course of action that offers no progress or solution.

Synonyms of Blind Alley

1. Dead-end (মৃত শেষ, noun)
2. Impasse (বিপথ, noun)
3. Stalemate (বিপথ, noun)

Antonyms of Blind Alley

1. Thoroughfare (মুখ্য রাস্তা, noun)
2. Passage (পাসেজ, noun)

Origin of Blind Alley

The term “blind alley” originated in the late 19th century, combining the words “blind” (meaning lacking perception or awareness) and “alley” (meaning a narrow street or passage). It is often used metaphorically to describe a situation with no way forward or progress.

Nearby Words

1. Dead-end (noun)
2. Cul-de-sac (noun)
3. Impasse (noun)

Blind Alley in Literature Quotes

1. “Life is a blind alley, but we wander up and down it with our eyes wide open.” – Khalil Gibran (জীবনটি একটি অন্ধকার গলি, কিন্তু আমরা সেই গলিতে চোখ বন্ধ করে ঘুরে বেড়াই।)
2. “The blind alley of industrialism is a cul-de-sac.” – Mahatma Gandhi (শিল্পবিদ্যার অন্ধকার গলি একটি মৃত শেষ।)

Blind Alley Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: অন্ধকার গলি
Hindi: अंधकार गली
Nepali: अन्धकार गली
Urdu: اندھیرے کی گلی
Tamil: குருட்டு பாதை
Telugu: అంధకార గలీ
Arabic: زقاق مظلم
Chinese: 死胡同
Japanese: 行き止まり
Russian: тупик

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