blind faith

Blind Faith Meaning in Bengali: অন্ধবিশ্বাস (noun, /ɔndhobishwās/), অন্ধবিশ্বাসে আচরণ করা (verb, /ɔndhobishwāse āchôrôn kôrā/), অন্ধবিশ্বাসী (adjective, /ɔndhobishwāsī/)

Definition of Blind Faith

(noun, /blaɪnd feɪθ/)

Blind faith refers to a strong belief in something or someone without any evidence or proof. It is a belief that is not based on reason or logic but solely on trust and conviction.

Synonyms of Blind Faith


  • Trust, Confidence – বিশ্বাস (noun)
  • Belief, Conviction – বিশ্বাস (noun)
  • Devotion, Allegiance – অনুরাগ (noun)

Antonyms of Blind Faith


  • Doubt, Skepticism – সন্দেহ (noun)
  • Disbelief, Distrust – অবিশ্বাস (noun)
  • Cynicism, Pessimism – নিরাশাবাদ (noun)

Origin of Blind Faith

The term “blind faith” originated in the English language, combining the words “blind” and “faith.” It gained popularity in the 19th century and has since been widely used to describe unwavering belief without evidence.

Nearby Words

  • Blindfold (noun) – অন্ধকারবন্দ (noun)
  • Blindly (adverb) – অন্ধকারে (adverb)
  • Blindness (noun) – অন্ধত্ব (noun)

Blind Faith in Literature Quotes

“Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.” – Martin Luther King Jr. (বিশ্বাস হলো পূর্ণ পাঠাগুলি দেখা না করলেও প্রথম পদক্ষেপ নিতে।)

“The greatest tragedy in mankind’s entire history may be the hijacking of morality by religion.” – Arthur C. Clarke (মানবজাতির সম্পূর্ণ ইতিহাসের সবচেয়ে বড় মৃত্যু হতে পারে ধর্ম দ্বারা নৈতিকতার অপহরণ।)

Blind Faith Meaning in Different Languages

  • Bengali: অন্ধবিশ্বাস
  • Hindi: अंधविश्वास
  • Nepali: अन्धविश्वास
  • Urdu: اندھا اعتقاد
  • Tamil: குருட்டு நம்பிக்கை
  • Telugu: అంధవిశ్వాసం
  • Arabic: الإيمان الأعمى
  • Chinese: 盲目的信仰
  • Japanese: 盲信
  • Russian: слепая вера

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