
Blinks Meaning in Bengali: আঁখের ঝলক, ঝলক, ঝলকানি (noun, pronunciation: blinks)

Blinks is a noun that refers to the rapid closing and opening of the eyes. It is a reflex action that occurs involuntarily and can be caused by various factors such as bright light, irritation, or fatigue.

Some synonyms of blinks include:

  • Winks (আঁখের ঝলক, noun)
  • Flutters (ঝলকানি, noun)
  • Bats (ঝলকানি, noun)
  • Nictitates (ঝলকানি, verb)

Some antonyms of blinks include:

  • Stares (ঘোরানি, noun)
  • Gazes (ঘোরানি, noun)
  • Glances (ঝলক, noun)
  • Observes (পর্যবেক্ষণ করা, verb)

The word blinks originated from the Middle English word blinken, which means “to shine” or “to gleam.” It is related to the Old Norse word blekkja, meaning “to blink.”

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to blinks include:

  • Blinking (adjective)
  • Blinkered (adjective)
  • Blinker (noun)
  • Blinkless (adjective)

Here are some quotes from literature that mention blinks:

  • “Her eyes were constantly moving, blinking like a hummingbird’s wings.” – Gabriel Garcia Marquez (তার চোখগুলি সর্বদা চলমান ছিল, একটি মৌরির পাখের মতো ঝলক দিচ্ছিল।)
  • “He blinked in surprise as the truth dawned on him.” – George Orwell (সত্যিকারের উজ্জ্বল হলে তিনি আশ্চর্যে ঝলক দিলেন।)

Here is the meaning of blinks in different languages:

  • Bengali: আঁখের ঝলক
  • Hindi: झपकी
  • Nepali: झपट
  • Urdu: جھپکی
  • Tamil: கண்கள் மூடுதல்
  • Telugu: కళ్ళు మూసుకొనుట
  • Arabic: وميض
  • Chinese: 眨眼
  • Japanese: まばたき
  • Russian: мигание

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