
Blockading Meaning in Bengali: অবরোধ করা, বন্ধ করা, বাধা দেওয়া (verb, pronunciation: blɒˈkeɪdɪŋ)

Definition of Blockading

Blockading refers to the act of preventing access to a place or obstructing the movement of goods, people, or vehicles by creating a barrier or blockade. It is often done as a military strategy during a conflict or as a means of enforcing a trade embargo.

Synonyms of Blockading

1. Obstructing (বাধা দেওয়া)
2. Barricading (বন্ধ করা)
3. Hindering (অবরোধ করা)
4. Enclosing (ঘেরা দেওয়া)
5. Sealing off (বন্ধ করা)

Antonyms of Blockading

1. Opening (খোলা)
2. Allowing (অনুমতি দেওয়া)
3. Clearing (পরিষ্কার করা)
4. Unblocking (অবরোধ মুক্ত করা)
5. Freeing (মুক্ত করা)

Origin of Blockading

The word “blockading” originated from the Middle English word “blockade,” which came from the Old French word “bloquer” meaning “to block.” It entered the English language in the 17th century.

Nearby Words

1. Blockade (noun)
2. Blockade (verb)
3. Blockaded (adjective)
4. Blockader (noun)
5. Blockaders (noun)

Blockading in Literature Quotes

1. “The blockading squadron lay in the bay.” – Herman Melville (বন্ধ করা নৌদল খাড়া ছিল উপসাগরে।)
2. “The city was blockaded by enemy forces.” – Leo Tolstoy (শহরটি শত্রু বাহিনী দ্বারা অবরোধিত ছিল।)
3. “The blockading ships prevented any supplies from reaching the island.” – Jules Verne (বন্ধ করা জাহাজগুলি দ্বারা কোনও সরঞ্জাম দ্বীপে পৌঁছানো হয়নি।)

Blockading Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: অবরোধ করা
Hindi: अवरोध करना
Nepali: अवरोध गर्नु
Urdu: روکنا
Tamil: தடுப்பு
Telugu: నిరోధించు
Arabic: حصار
Chinese: 封锁
Japanese: 封鎖
Russian: блокада

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