
Bengali Meanings of Blockhead: মূর্খ, বোকা, বুদ্ধু, মূর্খতম, মূর্খতার, বোকামি, বুদ্ধুতা, বোকামির, বুদ্ধুতার, মূর্খতারকে, বোকামিরও, বুদ্ধুতারও (Noun, Pronunciation: /ˈblɒkˌhɛd/)

Definition of Blockhead:

A blockhead refers to a person who is extremely foolish or stupid. It is a derogatory term used to describe someone lacking intelligence or common sense.

Synonyms of Blockhead:

1. Fool (মূর্খ)
2. Idiot (মূর্খ)
3. Dolt (মূর্খ)
4. Dunce (মূর্খ)
5. Imbecile (মূর্খ)
6. Nitwit (মূর্খ)
7. Simpleton (মূর্খ)
8. Moron (মূর্খ)
9. Dimwit (মূর্খ)
10. Dunderhead (মূর্খ)

Antonyms of Blockhead:

1. Genius (প্রতিভাবান)
2. Intellectual (বুদ্ধিজীবী)
3. Brainiac (বুদ্ধিজীবী)
4. Wise (বিচক্ষণ)
5. Clever (চতুর)
6. Smart (স্মার্ট)
7. Intelligent (বুদ্ধিমান)
8. Sharp (তীক্ষ্ন)
9. Bright (উজ্জ্বল)
10. Brilliant (উজ্জ্বল)

Origin of Blockhead:

The term “blockhead” originated from the combination of the words “block” and “head.” It is believed to have originated in the 16th century and has been used in English literature since then to describe a person lacking intelligence or common sense.

Nearby Words:

1. Blockage (Noun)
2. Blockbuster (Noun)
3. Blockade (Noun)
4. Block (Noun)
5. Blockage (Noun)
6. Blockbuster (Noun)
7. Blockade (Noun)
8. Block (Noun)
9. Blockage (Noun)
10. Blockbuster (Noun)

Blockhead in Literature Quotes:

1. “A blockhead is the heaviest piece of timber that we employ.” – Jonathan Swift (একটি মূর্খ হল সবচেয়ে ভারী কাঠের টুকরো যা আমরা ব্যবহার করি।)
2. “The blockhead sees no further than his nose.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (মূর্খটি নাকের চেয়ে দূরে দেখতে পারে না।)

Blockhead Meaning in Different Languages:

Bengali: মূর্খ
Hindi: मूर्ख
Nepali: मूर्ख
Urdu: مورخ
Tamil: முட்டாள்
Telugu: మూర్ఖుడు
Arabic: الأحمق
Chinese: 笨蛋
Japanese: 馬鹿
Russian: дурак

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