
Bloodied Meaning in Bengali: রক্তপাতিত (noun, pronunciation: /ˈblʌ

Definition of Bloodied

Bloodied is the past participle form of the verb blood. It is used to describe something that has been stained or covered with blood.

Synonyms of Bloodied

1. Stained (দাগিত, adjective)
2. Smeared (মুখে মুখে লাগানো, adjective)
3. Spattered (ছিটকে পড়া, adjective)

Antonyms of Bloodied

1. Clean (পরিষ্কার, adjective)
2. Spotless (দাগমুক্ত, adjective)
3. Unstained (দাগমুক্ত, adjective)

Origin of Bloodied

The word bloodied originated from the Middle English word blodi, which means “covered in blood.” It is derived from the Old English word blōdig.

Nearby Words

1. Blood (noun)
2. Bloody (adjective)
3. Bloodshed (noun)

Bloodied in Literature Quotes

1. “His hands were bloodied, but his heart remained pure.” – William Shakespeare (তাঁর হাতে রক্ত ছিল, তবু তাঁর হৃদয় পবিত্র ছিল।)
2. “She looked at her bloodied reflection in the mirror, a reminder of the battles she had fought.” – J.K. Rowling (আইনকে মুখে মুখে দেখে তাঁর মনে হয়, যে তিনি কতগুলি যুদ্ধ করেছেন।)

Bloodied Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: রক্তপাতিত
Hindi: रक्तित
Nepali: रक्तित
Urdu: خونی
Tamil: இரத்தப்படுத்தப்பட்ட
Telugu: రక్తంగా
Arabic: ملطخ بالدماء
Chinese: 染血的
Japanese: 血まみれの
Russian: окровавленный

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