
Blooming (noun, adjective, adverb) [bloo-ming]: The word “blooming” has multiple meanings in Bengali. Some of the Bengali meanings of “blooming” are পুষ্পসংক্রান্ত (pushposhankranto), প্রকাশ্য (prokashyo), প্রকাশ্যতা (prokashyota), প্রকাশ্যত্ব (prokashyotbo), প্রকাশ্যতার অবস্থা (prokashyotar obostha).

Definition of Blooming

Blooming is a noun, adjective, and adverb that refers to the process of flowering or the state of being in full bloom. It can also be used as an intensifier to express annoyance or emphasis.

Synonyms of Blooming

Some synonyms of blooming include flourishing, thriving, blossoming, prospering, and efflorescent.

Antonyms of Blooming

Some antonyms of blooming are withering (শুষ্ক, shushk), fading (ফেড়া, fera), and wilting (প্রবল ক্ষয়, probol kshay).

Origin of Blooming

The word “blooming” originated from the Middle English word “bloming,” which is derived from the Old English word “blōstm.” It is related to the Dutch word “bloeien” and the German word “blühen.”

Nearby Words

  • Blow (verb)
  • Blossom (noun)
  • Bloomer (noun)
  • Bloomy (adjective)
  • Bloomingdale (noun)

Blooming in Literature Quotes

“The blooming flowers in the garden filled the air with a sweet fragrance.” – John Smith (বাগানে পুষ্প পূর্ণ হয়ে গেছে এবং মিষ্টি সুগন্ধ দিয়ে আবির্ভূত হয়েছে। – জন স্মিথ)

“She looked blooming in her new dress.” – Jane Doe (তিনি নতুন পোশাকে প্রকাশ্য দেখতেন। – জেন ডো)

Blooming Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: পুষ্পসংক্রান্ত (pushposhankranto), Hindi: खिलना (khilna), Nepali: फुल्नु (phulnu), Urdu: کھلنا (khilna), Tamil: பூக்குவது (pookkuvadhu), Telugu: పూవులు పూవులు (poovulu poovulu), Arabic: تزهر (tazhar), Chinese: 开花 (kāihuā), Japanese: 花開く (hanahiraku), Russian: цветущий (tsvetushchiy).

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