
Blueprint Meaning in Bengali: ব্লুপ্রিন্ট, নকশা, পরিকল্পনা, পরিকল্পনার নকশা (noun, pronunciation: bloo-print)

Definition of Blueprint

A blueprint refers to a detailed plan or design that outlines the structure or layout of something, such as a building, machine, or project. It serves as a guide for construction or implementation.

Synonyms of Blueprint

1. Plan (পরিকল্পনা)

2. Design (ডিজাইন)

3. Layout (বিন্যাস)

4. Scheme (পরিকল্পনা)

5. Draft (খসড়া)

6. Diagram (ডায়াগ্রাম)

7. Model (মডেল)

8. Pattern (প্যাটার্ন)

9. Outline (আউটলাইন)

10. Project (প্রকল্প)

Antonyms of Blueprint

1. Chaos (বিশৃঙ্খলা)

2. Disorder (অব্যবস্থা)

3. Confusion (বিশৃঙ্খলা)

4. Randomness (এলোমেলোতা)

5. Disarray (বিশৃঙ্খলা)

Origin of Blueprint

The term “blueprint” originated from the process of reproducing technical drawings using a contact printing process called cyanotype. In this process, the drawings were made on translucent paper or cloth coated with a photosensitive chemical. When exposed to sunlight, the areas not covered by the drawing turned blue, creating a blueprint.

Nearby Words

1. Blunt (adjective) – not sharp or pointed

2. Blur (noun) – a hazy or indistinct image

3. Blush (verb) – to become red in the face due to embarrassment or shyness

4. Bluster (verb) – to speak or act in a loud, aggressive, or exaggerated way

5. Bluff (noun) – a steep cliff or bank

Blueprint in Literature Quotes

1. “The blueprint of your destiny is hidden in your soul.” – Roy T. Bennett (আপনার ভাগ্যের নকশা আপনার আত্মায় গোপন রয়েছে।)

2. “A dream without a plan is just a wish.” – Katherine Paterson (একটি স্বপ্ন যখন কোন পরিকল্পনা ছাড়া হয়, তখন এটি কেবলমাত্র একটি কামনা।)

Blueprint Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: ব্লুপ্রিন্ট

Hindi: नक़्शा

Nepali: नक्शा

Urdu: نقشہ

Tamil: வரைபடம்

Telugu: నక్షత్రం

Arabic: خريطة

Chinese: 蓝图

Japanese: 設計図

Russian: чертеж

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