Blunted Meaning in Bengali: মন্দিত, মৃদুভাবে কমানো, মন্দিত করা (adjective, pronounced: bluhn-tid)
Definition of Blunted
Blunted refers to something that has been made dull, less sharp, or less intense. It can also describe a person’s emotional or intellectual response that is dulled or reduced.
Synonyms of Blunted
Some synonyms of blunted are:
- Diminished (হ্রাসকৃত, pronounced: hraas-krit)
- Dulled (মন্দিত, pronounced: mon-dit)
- Reduced (হ্রাসকৃত, pronounced: hraas-krit)
- Weakened (দুর্বল, pronounced: dur-bol)
Antonyms of Blunted
Some antonyms of blunted are:
- Sharpened (তীক্ষ্ণ করা, pronounced: tikshno kora)
- Enhanced (উন্নত, pronounced: unnot)
- Intensified (তীব্র করা, pronounced: tibro kora)
- Strengthened (শক্তিশালী করা, pronounced: shoktishali kora)
Origin of Blunted
The word blunted originated from the Middle English word blunten, which means to make dull or blunt. It can be traced back to the Old Norse word blunda, meaning to shut one’s eyes or doze.
Nearby Words
Some nearby words related to blunted are:
- Blunt (noun, pronounced: bluhnt)
- Bluntness (noun, pronounced: bluhnt-nis)
- Bluntly (adverb, pronounced: bluhnt-lee)
- Bluntness (noun, pronounced: bluhnt-nis)
Blunted in Literature Quotes
Here are some quotes from literature that include the word blunted:
- “The pain of the mind is worse than the pain of the body.” – Publilius Syrus (মনের ব্যথা শরীরের ব্যথার চেয়ে খারাপ।)
- “The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven.” – John Milton (মন নিজের জায়গায় আছে, এবং নিজেই স্বর্গ বা নরক তৈরি করতে পারে।)
Blunted Meaning in Different Languages
The meaning of blunted in different languages:
- Bengali: মন্দিত
- Hindi: मंदित
- Nepali: मन्दित
- Urdu: مندید
- Tamil: மிதித்துவிட்டது
- Telugu: మెరిసే
- Arabic: مبتور
- Chinese: 迟钝的
- Japanese: 鈍った
- Russian: осточертелый
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