
Blurring Meaning in Bengali: অস্পষ্ট করা, মসৃণ করা, মোছা (verb, pronunciation: bluhr-ing)

Definition of Blurring

Blurring refers to the act of making something unclear or indistinct, often by causing it to lose focus or become hazy. It is a verb that is commonly used to describe the process of obscuring or smudging the details of an image or a concept.

Synonyms of Blurring

Some synonyms of blurring include:

  • Obscuring (অস্পষ্ট করা)
  • Smudging (মসৃণ করা)
  • Fuzzing (মোছা)
  • Dimming (অস্পষ্ট করা)
  • Veiling (আবরণ করা)

Antonyms of Blurring

Some antonyms of blurring include:

  • Clarifying (স্পষ্ট করা)
  • Sharpening (তীব্র করা)
  • Highlighting (উজ্জ্বল করা)
  • Accentuating (বলতে আগ্রহ করা)
  • Emphasizing (বলতে আগ্রহ করা)

Origin of Blurring

The word blurring originated from the Middle English word “blurren,” which means to make indistinct or dim. It can be traced back to the Old Norse word “blarr,” meaning dark or gloomy.

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to blurring include:

  • Blur (noun)
  • Blurred (adjective)
  • Blurry (adjective)
  • Blurriness (noun)
  • Blurless (adjective)

Blurring in Literature Quotes

Here are some quotes from literature that mention blurring:

“The memories were fading, blurring at the edges like watercolors left in the rain.” – Sarah J. Maas (স্মৃতিগুলি মোছা হচ্ছিল, যেমন বৃষ্টিতে ভিজিয়ে রাখা ওয়াটারকালার মতো পার্শ্বে অস্পষ্ট হচ্ছিল।)

“The line between good and evil is blurring, and history is repeating itself.” – Veronica Roth (ভাল এবং মন্দের মধ্যে রেখা অস্পষ্ট হচ্ছে, এবং ইতিহাস পুনরাবৃত্তি পাচ্ছে।)

Blurring Meaning in Different Languages

The meaning of blurring in different languages:

  • Bengali: অস্পষ্ট করা
  • Hindi: धुंधला करना
  • Nepali: अस्पष्ट गर्नु
  • Urdu: دھندلا کرنا
  • Tamil: மறைக்கும்
  • Telugu: మంచిగా లేకుండా చేయు
  • Arabic: تشويش
  • Chinese: 模糊 (Móhú)
  • Japanese: ぼやける (Boyakeru)
  • Russian: размытость (razmytost’)

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