
Blurted Meaning in Bengali: অকাল বলা, অবিচারে বলা, অপরিচিতে বলা (verb, pronunciation: blurt-ed)

Definition of Blurted

Blurted is a verb that means to say something suddenly and without thinking, often revealing information that was meant to be kept secret or private.

Synonyms of Blurted

Some synonyms of blurted are:

  • Uttered (উচ্চারিত, verb)
  • Spoke out (বলা, verb)
  • Exclaimed (উচ্চারণ করা, verb)
  • Declared (ঘোষণা করা, verb)

Antonyms of Blurted

Some antonyms of blurted are:

  • Kept quiet (শান্ত থাকা, verb)
  • Held back (পিছু ধরা, verb)
  • Concealed (গোপন করা, verb)
  • Suppressed (নিয়ন্ত্রণ করা, verb)

Origin of Blurted

The word blurted originated from the Middle English word blerten, which means to make a sudden noise or sound. It is believed to be derived from the Old English word byrnan, meaning to burn or be on fire.

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to blurted are:

  • Blurt (noun)
  • Blur (noun)
  • Blush (verb)
  • Bluster (verb)

Blurted in Literature Quotes

Here are some quotes from literature that include the word blurted:

  • “I love you,” she blurted out, surprising herself and everyone around her. – Jane Austen (আমি তোমায় ভালোবাসি, তিনি বলে দিলেন, নিজেকে এবং সবাইকে আশ্চর্য করে দিয়ে)
  • “I didn’t mean to hurt you,” he blurted, regretting his impulsive words. – William Shakespeare (আমি তোমাকে ক্ষতি করতে চাইনি, তিনি বলে দিলেন, তাঁর অবিচারিত শব্দগুলি অনুশোচনা করে)

Blurted Meaning in Different Languages

Here is the meaning of blurted in different languages:

  • Bengali: অকাল বলা
  • Hindi: ज़ोर से बोलना
  • Nepali: अनचाही बोल्नु
  • Urdu: بے سوچے بولنا
  • Tamil: அடிக்கடி பேசு
  • Telugu: అకస్మాత్తుగా మాట్లాడు
  • Arabic: نطق بسرعة
  • Chinese: 脱口而出
  • Japanese: 突然言う
  • Russian: вырвалось

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