Blusterer Meaning in Bengali: বক্তা, বক্তাব্যবাহী, বক্তাব্যবাহী ব্যক্তি (noun, pronunciation: bluhs-ter-er)
Definition of Blusterer
A blusterer refers to a person who talks loudly, aggressively, and boastfully, but often lacks substance or credibility in their words. They tend to use exaggerated language and gestures to intimidate or impress others.
Synonyms of Blusterer
1. Braggart – বাড়াবাড়িকারী (noun)
2. Blowhard – বাড়াবাড়িকারী (noun)
3. Gasbag – বাড়াবাড়িকারী (noun)
4. Windbag – বাড়াবাড়িকারী (noun)
Antonyms of Blusterer
1. Modest – মিতব্যয়ী (adjective)
2. Humble – বিনয়ী (adjective)
3. Reserved – সংযত (adjective)
4. Quiet – শান্ত (adjective)
Origin of Blusterer
The word “blusterer” originated from the Middle English word “blustren,” which means to blow violently or make a loud noise. It is derived from the Old Norse word “blǫstr,” meaning a gust of wind.
Nearby Words
1. Bluster – (noun, verb)
2. Blusterous – (adjective)
3. Blustery – (adjective)
4. Blustering – (adjective)
Blusterer in Literature Quotes
1. “He was a blusterer, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.” – William Shakespeare (সে একজন বক্তা ছিলেন, যিনি শব্দ ও ক্রোধে ভরে ছিলেন, কিন্তু কিছুই বোঝাতে পারেননি।)
2. “The blusterer’s words were as empty as the wind.” – Jane Austen (বক্তার কথাগুলি বাতাসের মত খালি ছিল।)
Blusterer Meaning in Different Languages
Bengali: বক্তা
Hindi: धूम्रपान करने वाला
Nepali: धूम्रपान गर्ने
Urdu: دھومکاری کرنے والا
Tamil: புதைப்படுத்துபவர்
Telugu: పుత్తగా మాట్లాడేవాడు
Arabic: متفاخر
Chinese: 吹牛者
Japanese: ほら吹き
Russian: хвастун
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