
Boards Meaning in Bengali: বোর্ডস, প্ল্যাংক, পালক, পালকবৃত্তি (noun, pronunciation: bɔːrdz)

Definition and Synonyms

Definition: Boards refer to flat, thin, and rigid pieces of wood or other materials used for various purposes, such as construction, writing, or playing games.

Synonyms: planks, panels, slabs, sheets, timber, lumber


Antonyms: hollow, cavity, gap, void (খালি, গর্ত, খালি স্থান, শূন্যতা)


The word “boards” originated from the Old English word “bord,” which means a plank or a flat piece of wood. It can be traced back to the Proto-Germanic word “burdam,” meaning a board or a plank.

Nearby Words

  • Boarding (verb)
  • Boardroom (noun)
  • Boardwalk (noun)
  • Boarder (noun)
  • Boarded (adjective)

Boards in Literature Quotes

“The pen is mightier than the sword, and considerably easier to write with.” – Marty Feldman (কলমটি তরল কর্তন করতে কিংবা লড়াইতের চেয়ে শক্তিশালী এবং অনেক সহজ।)

“A room without books is like a body without a soul.” – Marcus Tullius Cicero (বই ছাড়া একটি ঘর একটি দেহের মত যেখানে আত্মা নেই।)

Boards Meaning in Different Languages

  • Bengali: বোর্ডস
  • Hindi: बोर्ड्स
  • Nepali: बोर्ड्स
  • Urdu: بورڈز
  • Tamil: போர்ட்ஸ்
  • Telugu: బోర్డ్స్
  • Arabic: اللوحات
  • Chinese: 板
  • Japanese: ボード
  • Russian: доски

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