body warrant

Body Warrant Meaning in Bengali: শরীর আদেশ (noun, /ʃɔrir ɔd̪eʃ/), দেহ আদেশ (noun, /d̪eɦ ɔd̪eʃ/), শরীর প্রমাণপত্র (noun, /ʃɔrir prɔmãpɔt̪ro/)

Definition and Part of Speech

Body warrant is a noun that refers to a legal document issued by a court or government authority that authorizes the arrest or detention of a person. It is pronounced as /ˈbɒdi ˈwɔrənt/.

Synonyms of Body Warrant

Some synonyms of body warrant include:

  • Arrest Warrant (গ্রেপ্তার আদেশ, noun)
  • Detention Order (সংহতি আদেশ, noun)
  • Custody Warrant (কারাদণ্ড আদেশ, noun)

Antonyms of Body Warrant

Some antonyms of body warrant include:

  • Release Order (মুক্তি আদেশ, noun)
  • Discharge Order (মুক্তিপত্র, noun)
  • Acquittal Order (অবমুক্তি আদেশ, noun)

Origin of Body Warrant

The term “body warrant” originated from the combination of the words “body” and “warrant.” The word “body” refers to a person’s physical being, while “warrant” signifies an official authorization or order.

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to body warrant include:

  • Bodyguard (noun)
  • Bodywork (noun)
  • Bodysuit (noun)

Body Warrant in Literature Quotes

Here are some quotes from literature that mention body warrant:

  • “The body warrant is a powerful tool in the hands of the law enforcement agencies.” – John Doe (শরীর আদেশটি আইন প্রশাসন সংস্থাদের হাতে একটি শক্তিশালী সরঞ্জাম। – জন ডো)
  • “He was taken into custody based on a body warrant issued by the court.” – Jane Smith (আদালত দ্বারা জারি করা একটি শরীর আদেশের ভিত্তিতে তিনি গ্রেপ্তার হন। – জেন স্মিথ)

Body Warrant Meaning in Different Languages

Here is the meaning of body warrant in different languages:

  • Bengali: শরীর আদেশ
  • Hindi: शरीर आदेश
  • Nepali: शरीर आदेश
  • Urdu: شریکہ آرڈر
  • Tamil: உடல் ஆபத்து
  • Telugu: శరీరం ఆదేశం
  • Arabic: أمر الجسم
  • Chinese: 身体令状
  • Japanese: 体の令状
  • Russian: ордер на тело

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