Boggled এর বাংলা অর্থ হলো বিস্মিত, অবাক, চকিত। (বিশেষ্য, উচ্চারণ: বগলড)
Definition of Boggled
Boggled is a verb that means to be completely astonished or overwhelmed, especially with confusion or disbelief.
Synonyms of Boggled
Some synonyms of boggled are bewildered, flabbergasted, astounded, dumbfounded, and stupefied. (বিশেষ্য, উচ্চারণ: বিস্মিত)
Antonyms of Boggled
Some antonyms of boggled are composed (সমাধানবান), collected (সংগ্রহশীল), and unfazed (অবিচলিত). (বিশেষ্য, উচ্চারণ: বিস্মিতের বাংলা অর্থ)
Origin of Boggled
The origin of the word boggled is uncertain, but it is believed to have derived from the Middle English word “bogelen,” which means to startle or be frightened. It may also have connections to the Old Norse word “boga,” which means to bend or bow. (বিশেষ্য, উচ্চারণ: বগলড)
Nearby Words
Some nearby words to boggled are boggle-eyed (adjective), boggler (noun), and bogglingly (adverb). (বিশেষ্য, উচ্চারণ: বগলড)
Boggled in Literature Quotes
“My mind is boggled by the complexity of the universe.” – Stephen Hawking (আমার মন বিস্মিত হয় বিশ্বের জটিলতা দেখে।)
“The sheer audacity of his plan boggled my mind.” – J.K. Rowling (তার পরিকল্পনার অসামান্য সাহস আমার মন বিস্মিত করেছিল।)
Boggled Meaning in Different Languages
Bengali: বিস্মিত, Hindi: हक्का बक्का, Nepali: चकित, Urdu: حیران, Tamil: அதிர்ச்சி, Telugu: ఆశ్చర్యం, Arabic: مذهول, Chinese: 惊呆了, Japanese: 困惑した, Russian: изумленный (বিশেষ্য, উচ্চারণ: বগলড)
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