
Bolivian Meaning in Bengali: বলিভিয়ান (noun), বলিভিয়ান (adjective)

Definition and Part of Speech

Bolivian (noun, adjective) /bəˈlɪviən/

As a noun, bolivian refers to a native or inhabitant of Bolivia, a landlocked country in South America. As an adjective, it describes anything related to Bolivia or its people.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: Bolivianese, Bolivianian

Antonyms: Non-Bolivian, foreigner (বিদেশী)

Origin of Bolivian

The term bolivian originated from the country name Bolivia, which was named after Simón Bolívar, a prominent leader in the South American independence movement.

Nearby Words

Bolivia (noun) – a country in South America

Bolivianese (noun) – a language spoken in Bolivia

Bolivianian (noun) – a person from Bolivia

Bolivian in Literature Quotes

“The beauty of Bolivia lies in its diverse landscapes and rich cultural heritage.” – John Smith (বলিভিয়ার সৌন্দর্য বিভিন্ন ভূমিকা এবং সমৃদ্ধ সাংস্কৃতিক ঐতিহ্যে অবস্থিত।)

“Bolivian cuisine is a delightful blend of indigenous flavors and Spanish influences.” – Maria Rodriguez (বলিভিয়ান রান্নার স্বাদ অদ্ভুত ভূমিকা স্থানীয় স্বাদ এবং স্প্যানিশ প্রভাবের মিশ্রণ।)

Bolivian Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: বলিভিয়ান

Hindi: बोलिवियन

Nepali: बोलिभियन

Urdu: بولیوین

Tamil: பொலிவியன்

Telugu: బొలివియన్

Arabic: بوليفيان

Chinese: 玻利維亞人

Japanese: ボリビア人

Russian: боливиец

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